YOGYAKARTA Baby crowns aka deadlocks are the gap between the bones of the skull in a baby that is connected with many nerves. If you touch it, the surface will feel softer than adults. As you get older,irinel will close it by itself and harden. So, are there any tips for the baby's crown to harden quickly? Come on, find out the answer below.

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Compiled from various sources, the baby's crown is actually a skull bone that has not yet matured strongly. This condition is normal for newborns.

Ubun-ubun which has not yet closed functions to facilitate the baby's head so that it can come out during childbirth.

In addition, this soft spot will also remain open to providing space for baby brain development.

The baby's brain will grow and develop very rapidly in the first year of its life. For that, a flexible head structure is needed to adjust this size.

After rapid growth, the baby's brain slowly decreases, the crown will cover itself until it finally forms a hard part like the skull's bone in general.

The back (posterior phonetanel) is usually closed more quickly. Generally, the backpiece will close at a time when the baby is 2-3 months old.

While the front (anterior) shot is usually still felt until the baby is 18 months old.

However, according to Pregnancy Birth & Baby, about one in two babies will have a closed crown at the age of 14 months.

Therefore, there are no special tips you can do to make the baby's crown harden faster.

Ubun-ubun which closes too fast can actually make the baby's head disproportionate and lead to a birth defect condition called karainiosynostosis.

Quoted from AI-Care, cranesynostosis is a birth defect where the baby's skull bone joins too early and causes the shape of the skull to become abnormal. This condition can make the child experience seizures, mental retardation, and blindness.

On the other hand, if the baby's crown does not close even though it is 18 months old, there is a possibility that your little one will experience congenital or congenital hypertiroism.

This condition is caused by a low thyroid hormone when the baby is born. Confinetal hyperthyroidism can disrupt the development of the little one. Symptoms include swelling in the face, legs and short arms, as well as weakness and difficulty eating. It is estimated that 1 in 2,000 babies in Indonesia are experiencing this condition.

Apart from that, Mothers are advised to maintain food intake and carry out appropriate activities to stimulate growth and also the development of the little one so that the growth is as appropriate.

That's a review of tips for the baby's crown to harden quickly. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.

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