YOGYAKARTA Not many people know the term collocation. In fact, the collocation is widely used by the community, especially in daily conversations. Getting to know the collocation will be easier if it is directly offered an example.

Understanding collocation in Indonesian will help people understand the language phenomenon used. Here's the full information.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the collocation is defined as a fixed association between words and other words in the same environment.

Whereas in the sectionary-cambridge site it is said that the collocation which in the language means collocation has some meaning. One of the collocation meanings listed is the combination of words formed when two or more words are used together in a way that sounds correct.

The meaning of collocation was also explained by Diana Hardiyanti and Riana Eka Budiastuti in an article entitled Translation of Collocation in the Dwi-language Children's Reading Book and published in the journal Lensa: Language, Structure and Culture Studies.

In the article, it is explained that collocation is a language phenomenon that shows that a word will always be side by side with certain words that cannot be replaced by a certain context. The collocation in linguistic knowledge of Indonesian is also known as password.

In writing the Mapping of the Indonesian Language Collocation Pattern in the Kompas Article published in the journal Sigma-Mu, it is explained that the collocation usually consists of two words (or more), which if one of the words is used, other words that become partners will appear automatically in the mind. This happens because there is an association of meaning/semantic bonds between the two.

The appearance of two words that are bound together in the collocation does appear just in the minds of the original speakers. This phenomenon then produces a new term called matched words'. Words that fall into the collocation can be obtained by identifying words that often appear along with relatively large sample languages.

In Indonesian, there are many examples of phrases that can be categorized as collocations. For example, the phrase holy code'. This phrase is more familiar than holy book' even though the holy book and holy book have the same meaning of the word.

The phrase 'gather kebo' is also included in the collocation. The meaning of the term kebo gathering itself cannot be juxtaposed with other phrases that have the same meaning as the 'kebo crowd'. In addition, several examples of collocation are as follows, quoted from the article "The Indonesian Language Collocation Pattern" in the Kompas Article.

In addition to knowing the collocation, visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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