YOGYAKARTA - The use of the empeng in babies is still reaping pros and cons. Those who agree have the opinion that the empeng can provide comfort to the baby so that it makes it calm and not easily fussy. The use of the empeng is also recommended for premature babies or babies who are often attacked by the kolik to make them calmer. However, when do children have to let go of the empeng?

This penyempe habit is not recommended to continue until the baby is more than 12 months old.

Experts argue, at the age of a year is the fastest period of speech development. If your little one still has a habit of ngempe, he may rarely practice speaking or BABling. The empeng is also at risk of changing his speech. In fact, it is not easy for the baby to let go of the empeng. Many children still use their empeng to the age of toddlers.

For these children, the empeng becomes a kind of stress bidder if they have to live in a foreign environment, for example when they enter a playgroup or in a vehicle.

If your child is included in children under five who are still attached, you should start to realize that using the empeng can hinder the development of children's speech.

"Shooting the cow will lock the child's mouth in an unnatural position, making it difficult for them to shape their tongue and lips muscles normally," explains Patricia Hamaguchi, a spokesperson from California and author of the book Childhood, Speech, Language, and Listening Problems: What Every Parent Should Know.

In some cases, the habit of using the empeng also results in the tongue pushing the teeth. This can interfere with the development of plates that produce "s" and "z" sounds.

Empeng will not permanently change the shape of the child's teeth, because the shape of the teeth will return to normal a few months after the empeng is removed, but the empeng will damage the child's permanent teeth. Especially if the child is still running at the age of 4-6 years.

At this age, empeng is at risk of damaging children's dental arrangements. Another health factor that needs to be watched out for is ear infections in children. The study concluded that children who do not use empeng are less likely to suffer from ear infections.

You can keep the empeng away from the reach of the child. If the child doesn't see it, he won't fuss and ask the mother to put it in a place that is higher than the child's reach or store it in the drawer.

When a child has started fussing and crying to embedding, you can turn his attention. Diverting attention is a further step towards overcoming the habit of childtelling. This step can be done by inviting children to play, sing, joke, or watch cartoons that he likes.

The next step in overcoming the habit of brandishing children is to limit the time using the empeng. So that the child does not make it a habit, you can schedule the time of ngempe, for example in the morning or at night before bed.

Conveying understanding to children must certainly be done in a slow way, namely when children begin to understand what you are saying. You can explain in simple words why children should stop running.

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