YOGYAKARTA - In addition to colliding with hard objects, pain in the elbows usually occurs due to activity that requires repeated hand movements. However, in certain cases the appearance of pain on the elbows can be a sign of the emergence of health problems. Generally, this condition is followed by redness in an area that hurts, swelling, and feels warm when you touch.

Reporting from the Mayo Clinic website, health problems that cause pain on elbows include:

The case of a broken arm involves three bones, usually fingers, ulna, and humerus. This condition can occur due to a blow injury or accident that causes great pressure on the arm.

People who experience broken arms generally feel severe pain when moving their hands, followed by bruises and changes in bone than they should. This condition makes the sufferer unable to move his hands temporarily until the broken bone recovers.

The dislocation of the arm or sprained arm can occur because the joints come out of the same line. This joint problem is very common, especially after someone falls.

The batik pada anlen tangan juga dapat menyebabkan elbow sakit. jenis lain dari arthritis ini terjadi karena sistem enam menyerang sinovium layanan lemen yang mengelilingi leben Anda.

Thus, inflammation will be formed which makes the sinovium thicken and slowly destroy the cartilage and bones inside the joints. Tendons and ligaments that hold the joints also weaken and stretch. Little by little, the joints lose shape and parallelity.

Although experts have not been able to determine the cause of the receptivity, what is clear is that this disease is prone to the occurrence of the elderly and obese people.

Osteoartritis is an arthritis type also known as joint calcification. This joint inflammation occurs because the protective bones that support the end of the bone weaken over time.

This condition can occur in any joints in your body, including elbows. The elbow will hurt, stiff, and if you touch it like there is a hard lump formed near the joints.

The next cause of common pain elbows is exciseitis. This condition marks inflammation in the exchange, namely small bags containing fluids that coat the bones, muscles, and tendons near the joints.

The occurrence of burstitis is generally due to someone doing excessive hand activity, for example to a baseball athlete. In addition to pain, the bursitis is also characterized by symptoms of redness and sore and stiff elbows.

Furthermore, the cause of elbow pain can be caused by inflammation in the tendon or tendinitis. Tendon is a thick fibrosa tissue that attaches muscles to the bone. Tendinitis also causes pain, stiffness, and swelling on the elbow.

Inflammatory in this tendon occurs due to repeated movements on the hands that cause stress. If you continue to do activities without giving tendon a break, the risk of irritation will occur.

Light pain in the elbows usually heals by itself. You just have to limit your hand movements and give a compress of cold water to relieve pain.

However, for certain health problems, you need a doctor's treatment. In addition, the treatment is not all the same. Doctors must find out the underlying cause first, then determine which treatment is the most effective.

When viewed from the causes, how to deal with sick elbows, including:

For sprained cases and fractures, doctors will provide prescriptions for pain relievers and muscle utensils. To speed up the process of recovering a fracture, you must rest from various activities. As for severe cases, doctors will recommend surgery.

Doctors will also give prescriptions for pain relievers to people who experience burstitis. If this is not effective, a corticosteroid injection will be given, or an inflamed exchange must be dried through surgery.

In addition to antinyeri drugs, be it acetaminaphen or corticosteroids, people who experience osteoarthritis must undergo ocuption therapy. This aims to make it easier for patients to carry out their daily activities without triggering the emergence of symptoms of pain in their elbows. Doctors can also recommend surgery for problematic joints.

Tindinitis symptoms can be treated by taking pain relievers, using pawnshops in painful elbows, or repairing tendon operations if the tendons are torn from the bone.

However, it is important to know that every drug consumption provides side effects. These side effects include irritation of the stomach, kidney damage, and liver function disorders. Thus, it is necessary to supervise doctors in consuming drugs.

In addition, lifestyle changes must also be made. This includes limiting certain activities, such as maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough rest, and stopping habits that can slow the healing process, such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

You can relieve the receptivity by taking antinyeri and corticosteroid drugs. However, doctors will also provide prescription drugs to change the biological response to reduce inflammation and drugs to slow down the severity of the receptivity. Possible operating procedures will be provided if the systematics are severe enough.

That's a review of pain in the elbows and how to deal with it. Hopefully useful. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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