JAKARTA - Losing teeth can happen to individuals in all age ranges with various causes. Starting from poor dental health behavior and a high diet of sugar which causes cavities and has to be removed, trauma to the teeth due to accidents, gum disease, smoking habits that worsen the condition of the teeth, to other conditions.

drg. Murti Indrastuti M.Kes., Sp. Pros (K) - Head of the Department of Prostodonsia, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Gadjah Mada University (FKG UGM) said that if you lose this tooth for a long time, the impact will affect your physical abilities and facial aesthetics.

Summarized from the official Haleon broadcast, here are some of the dangers of letting toothless teeth without the act of wearing phazards.

Losing your teeth can affect a person's ability to speak. When you lose one or more teeth, the way of pronunciation when you speak can change and pronunciation becomes unclear, thus disrupting daily communication.

Of course, we all want to be able to talk and share happiness without obstacles, especially with loved ones.

Losing your teeth can affect a person's ability to chew well, thus limiting the types of food that can be consumed. This also has the potential to cause a lack of nutritional adequacy due to the difficulty of eating varying foods.

This certainly needs to be avoided, especially for certain age groups who need a nutritional intake that is still sufficient every day. Not only that, the limitations of eating can also make a person feel separated from various social experiences and hindered from enjoying his favorite foods with those closest to him.

Losing teeth in the long term can change the facial structure. Without teeth, jawbone will gradually shrink, making the face look older and concave, which affects a person's appearance.

Losing your teeth causes the facial muscles to lose their support, which results in a more wrinkled face and look older. This change results in physical changes in the face, such as a declining corner of the mouth, pinning of the lips, longer upper lip display, and a larger looking nose due to loss of support on the upper lip.

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