JAKARTA - Addiction to caffeine is excessive and dangerous use of caffeine for a certain period of time. This has a negative impact on health, social interactions, and other aspects of life.

Coffee and other caffeinated products can cause physical dependence, which causes chemical changes in the brain. Daily consumption can quickly lead to caffeine addiction, which is characterized by the desire and symptoms of caffeine break if intake is reduced or stopped.

To be clear, caffeine has been associated with many positive side effects. Research has linked stimulants originating from these plants to a better mood, relieve headaches, and also reduce the risk of other major medical problems such as stroke, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's. Major studies that track people from time to time find that coffee warrants tend not to die during the follow-up.

However, some people experience negative problems due to the use of caffeine or have difficulty solving the problem without caffeine. Although rare, there are even cases of caffeine overdose.

Caffeine affects the brain reward system, which triggers the release of a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine causes people to feel happy, create an award cycle that motivates them to continue consuming it and experience the same level of strengthening.

It also causes physiological dependence, which means when reducing or stopping caffeine intake, you will likely experience symptoms of caffeine dropping such as fatigue, headaches, and easily offended.

Caffeine is the most widely used substance worldwide. Coffee and soda is the main source of caffeine in the United States, while African and Asian countries consume it in the form of soda and tea. Caffeine is also found in many general foods (almost all foods that contain chocolate), making it easy to consume excessively.

Although caffeinated products such as coffee, soda, and energy drinks are not too strong compared to other addictive substances. But this does not mean that these products do not have the potential to have a bad effect on health.

Quoted from Very Well Mind, Thursday, October 24, although caffeine addiction is not officially recognized in "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)," a guidebook used by doctors for classifying and diagnosing mental health issues, the publication mentions several caffeine-related issues, such as poisoning and withdrawal.

Because caffeine is stimulant, consuming too much can cause a group of symptoms related to brain stimulation and the nervous system. These symptoms include:

This type of addiction can even overlap with work addiction, because some people use the stimulation effect of this substance to work better mentally and or physically.

Like all addiction, a fun effect from caffeine can sometimes also cover other problems. Shortage of energy and depression can be a cause of caffeine addiction. People may depend on caffeine to offset sleep disorders.

Caffeine has various effects on the body that have the potential to endanger health. Caffeine has been associated with increased blood pressure and changes in heart rhythm. Some caffeinated products, such as coffee and soda, can cause gastrointestinal disorders.

There are also questions about whether caffeine can increase the risk of osteoporosis. One study found this happened to menopaus women with high caffeine intake.

If you are sleep deprived, you will have difficulty doing activities efficiently during the day. Sleep is also a time for the body to recover, so it is important for the total health and immune function.

Excess caffeine intake can also have an impact on mental health. Increasing anxiety can occur, especially in those who are sensitive to caffeine effects or who previously had anxiety disorders. Several studies have shown that caffeine can be attributed to psychosis and mania symptoms in people who have mood disorders or mood conditions.

If you are addicted to caffeine, it means that the use of caffeine has interfered with life negatively, but you can't stop consuming it. Or you consume it in a potentially health-threatening amount even if you know it can harm you mentally or physically.

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