JAKARTA - Lately, hot weather is hitting most parts of Indonesia. When the weather is hot, you can try fresh foods, such as fruit salads, such as a mix of mangoes and papaya.

The combination of mangoes and papaya can make the hot weather feel more cool and refreshing, especially if a little honey and lime juice are added.

These mango and papaya offers are also quite easy to make. The following is the recipe for mango and papaya fruit salads, as reported by VOI from the page of The Kindin on Tuesday, October 22, 2024.


- 2 sdt nipis orange skin scars - 60 ml juiceed orange juice fresh 2 sdm honey - 1 medium-sized mango (stained by the skin and diced) - 1 medium-sized papaya (snatched by the skin, thrown away the seeds, and diced)

How to make mango and papaya fruit salads

1. Mixed lime peels, lime juice, and honey into medium-sized containers. 2. Add mangoes and papaya, then stir until mixed evenly. 3. Close the container and store it in the refrigerator, for at least an hour before serving.

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