YOGYAKARTA - Your ears have a mechanism to clean the dirt in them on their own. However, there are often some conditions that make the dirt in the ears clot. If you experience this, you need to know how to remove the ear droppings that correctly and safely clot.

It is usually very difficult to clean dirt that has covered. Removing dirt that has accumulated in the ears should not be done carelessly. The wrong way of cleaning risks making the ears experience irritation, injury, and infection.

If the ear droppings that are already hard or thick are not cleaned will disturb the comfort of hearing. To overcome this, understand how to clean the ear droppings that pave the right method.

To clean the ear droppings that are already clotted, you are not advised to use cotton buds. The use of this object can cause dirt to enter deeper into the ears. If used carelessly, the pressure from the cotton bud can even damage the eardrum.

For safety, here are some methods that you can try to remove ear droppings that clot:

One method to remove ear impurities is to use ear irrigation. This method is simple enough to do. The trick is to dissolve 1 meter of salt into 1 cup of warm water, then dip the cotton ball into the solution.

After the cotton ball absorbs the solution, position your head with the ears you want to clean facing up. Drop the salt solution from the cotton ball slowly into the earhole.

Take a few minutes so that the enveloping ear droppings can soften. Then tilt your head in the opposite direction so that the salt water comes out with the ear droppings. This technique can also be applied to other ears.

Although this ear irrigation method is effective enough to remove earwashing, not everyone can do it. If you have a history of problems such as broken eardrums or ear infections, this method should be avoided because it can worsen the condition of the ears.

Zapment oil can be used as an alternative to help remove cloved ear impurities. This method is considered safer and has a lower risk of causing irritation to the ear.

The process is similar to ear irrigation techniques. You need to tilt your head so that the ears you want to clean face up, then drop 2-3 drops of olive oil into the ear.

After the oil enters, gently massage the area around the ear and leave it for 5-10 minutes. Then, tilt your head in the opposite direction so that the dirt that has softened can come out. This method can also be applied to other ears.

In addition to using the method above, you can also take advantage of ear drops available in pharmacies to help remove clogting ear impurities. This droplet generally contains hydrogen peroxide or shotusate which functions to soften ear impurities so that they are easier to remove.

The use of ear drops is quite simple. You only need to lie down or tilt your head, then drop the drug into your ears according to the instructions listed on the packaging.

Take about 5 minutes for the ear droppings to soften, then sit back down. Usually, the ear droppings will come out by themselves and you can accommodate them using tissue.

Although ear drops are effective for cleaning the ears, they must remain careful. Hydrogen peroxide in the drug can cause irritation if not used according to the instructions for packaging.

Those are some ways to remove ear droppings that block properly and safely. If the ear droppings do not disappear or are accompanied by other symptoms, it is better to immediately consult the THT doctor for further treatment. Also read the technique of mastoid examination to maintain ear health.

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