JAKARTA - Currently, the trend of cinnamon coffee has gone viral on social media. Many people enjoy and follow the trend of cinnamon coffee. They try to follow this trend in the hope of losing weight quickly.

Reporting from the New York Post page, how to follow this trend you only need to add one tablespoon of cinnamon to a coffee drink. Then, add chocolate powder to help burn fat.

Cinnamon is made of the inner skin of a cinnamon tree, divided into two types, namely Cassia and Ceylon. Cassia's cinnamon can be used between the two types, with a bitter taste and a higher level of cinnataldehyde, a compound that provides a distinctive aroma.

Based on a scientific review of a weight loss study centered on cinnamon-centric wood, it was found that when participants used cinnamon as a supplement, they lost an average of 1.48 pounds (0.67 kilograms).

This practice was carried out for 2-6 months with respondents adding powder and cinnamon extracts. This research focuses on people from the Middle East and India.

In exploring weight loss, research shows cinnamon allows blood glucose to enter body cells more quickly. This can lower blood sugar and make insulin work more effectively.

Cinnamon has also been shown to help reduce the risk of diabetes. A study also found cinnamon can increase the body's ability to break fat and increase feelings of fullness by slowing down the rate where food moves from the stomach to the small intestine.

Kara Collier, registered nutritionist and dietist and co-founder and Vice President of Health at Nutrisese said cinnamon has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.

"Although more human research is needed to determine the full level of benefits of these spices," said Kara Collier.

Coffee, cinnamon and cocoa help lose weight. A study from Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health found that four cups of coffee a day can lose about 4% body fat. Kakao contains relatively high fiber levels, thereby increasing feelings of fullness and helping the body maintain a healthy body weight.

The Danger of cinnamon

Although cinnamon is the main ingredient in many dishes because it is sweet and savory, it creates potential health risks.

Throughout this year, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued three warnings regarding lead contamination and other heavy metals in cinnamon packaging powders sold in popular outlets.

Lead contamination can occur if a cinnamon tree grows in the ground or water contains lead. In some cases, lead comes from the manufacturing process, storage or delivery of cinnamon. lead is mixed into the nature of cinnamon to increase color or weight.

Cinnamon has many health benefits, but there is no possibility of side effects. After eating cinnamon, some people experience gastrointestinal pain and/or allergic reactions.

Active ingredients in cinnamon are coumarin, a chemical compound that can cause liver damage in high doses. Cassia's cinnamon contains 1% coumarin, while Ceylon's cinnamon levels are much less, around 0.004%.

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