Baim Wong again answered regarding accusations by his stingy husband who was thrown at him through his attorney, Fahmi Bachmid.

Fahmi revealed that his client costs up to IDR 400 million every month as a living for Paula Verhoeven.

"'Say bro, I'm stingy. Because every month I transfer around Rp. 300- Rp. 400 million for accumulated needs," said Fahmi Bachmid, imitating Baim Wong in the Condet area, East Jakarta, Monday, October 14.

"Maybe I'm called stingy, bro, because every month I'm Rp180-Rp190 million, what's causing me to be categorized as stingy? Because I'm only able to provide transfers, giving life expenses Rp300 million, Rp400 million, Rp180 million?," continued Fahmi Bachmid.

Regarding this matter itself, Fahmi admitted that he already holds the proof of the transfer that Baim Wong said in which the amount of money is written every month.

"Then the proof of transfer was taken out, now everything is marked to be in my car and I've seen it. That's my guide so I don't get the wrong message to the public," explained Fahmi Bachmid.

"So everything was explained by him, which was Rp250 million, then this month how many million, then how many hundreds of millions. I explained to him that this is not how to recap, it should be 250 million this month, this month 180 million, like that," he continued.

He said that Baim Wong was still confused about the reason for being accused of being stingy with his wife. "He asked 'what because I say this (number of transfers) is called stingy bro?', 'Yes, maybe', I said. Because he transferred almost Rp. 400 million, almost Rp. 150 million, so he was considered stingy," he said.

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