YOGYAKARTA Little children bite is very common. But some parents worry about what drives their children to bite until their parents' hands become red and make an impression. It is important to know, although biting can be painful and scary, but recognize things that trigger small children to bite. More importantly, don't scold them without digging clear reasons. So, the following explanation is the reason why small children do it.

Biting can be one of the experimental activities, especially for infants and toddlers as they explore their world. They put everything in the mouth in the oral phase and sometimes stuck in one of its exploration processes. Being firm is important, not only because it is painful but also makes them avoid being exposed to bacteria objects that are inserted into the mouth. The solution, offering a ring of teeth grows or objects they can bite safely.

Biting can be due to frustration because you can't handle a situation. This will happen until the children learn to be cooperative. Children may respond to their peers when playing by hitting, shouting, or biting when they don't suit their wishes. Launching Stanford Medicine Children's Health, Monday, October 14, some advice can be done to reduce the intensity and frequency of children biting when frustrated.

First, keep your playing time short and your group playing small. Then keep your game tight. If you bite, say 'Don't bite. Biting is painful'. It's also important to stay with your child and help him to calm down when he feels frustrated. Finally, find another better way to deal with this difficult situation so that children learn to deal with emotions in a different way at other times.

Children need resilience when they feel helpless. Sometimes, the youngest child in the family uses a bite to show strength. Bites because of this, can be prevented by ensuring the child feels protected and not 'disturbed' by others. But it needs to be explained to children who are bigger or older to make things more equal. Tell children who bite, that injuring is not allowed. Teach how to negotiate to protect yourself by assertive communication.

Biting due to stress is done by children when under great emotional pressure. Biting can also be a sign of distress or pain when the child is upset or angry. If this happens, find out what causes the child to experience difficulties. Pay attention to what happens right before biting. Then, help the child find other ways to express his feelings.

Children bite need to be dealt with firmly, but don't have to be bullied or scolded roughly. Tell the children that other people who are bitten will not like this behavior. Help your child learn new ways to deal with the difficult, stressful, or frustrating situations they are experiencing. If your child bites repeatedly, make sure to talk to your child's health care provider about the problem.

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