JAKARTA - A 19-month-old baby in Malaysia was sentenced to stage 3 ovarian cancer with ovarian cancer, a disease usually experienced by adult women. The baby who has stage 3 ovarian cancer is named Daneen Auni Riksi.

Reporting from the page of The Strait Times, the mother named Fallarystia Sintom, was suspicious of her child's condition. In August, Daneen experienced constipation and her stomach exploded.

In addition, Daneen Auni Riksi is also less active than usual. Daneen also just wanted to be carried by her parents.

"My son felt uncomfortable because he couldn't speak yet. He only cried when he was in pain," said 25-year-old Fallarystia's mother.

The family, who lives in Sabah, is seeking treatment at a hospital there. However, the cancer was found after the baby was transferred to a specialist hospital for women and children, when the blood levels dropped drastically.

Doctors detected a 13.5 cm long tumor. After carrying out the operation on October 2, medical officers confirmed Daneen had stage three ovarian cancer.

According to the global non-profit Ovarium Cancer Research Alliance (Ocra), there are four ovarian cancer stages, with stage four as the worst.

Stage three ovarian cancer usually cancer has spread from one or both ovaries to the outside of the pelvic such as the stomach, lymph nodes nearby, or the surface of the liver.

According to Ocra, about 90 percent of women affected by ovarian cancer are over 40 years old.

"When I was told, I was heartbroken because my son was very young and his right ovary had been removed," said Mrs. Fallarystia.

Based on reports, Daneen's parents also have a four-year-old son who has autism. Daneen is expected to start chemotherapy after recovering from surgery.

"As long as there is treatment, there is hope," said Mrs. Fallarystia.

When the family prayed for Daneen's recovery, the baby's father, Riksi Tahir, said he was worried about the estimated hospital bill fees.

"So far, the hospital has not provided cost estimates, including surgery that has been carried out and chemotherapy treatment," he said.

He has submitted a request for donations to the public, in the hope that it can ease their financial burden.

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