JAKARTA - Many studies show that activities with family such as sports, eating together, outdoor activities can strengthen emotional relationships between family members, help increase a sense of togetherness and reduce stress.

In the context of Indonesia, according to the 2022 Indonesian Child Profile published by the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) shows that generally families throughout Indonesia are used to carrying out activities together at home such as eating, learning, talking, and reading books together.

Of the variety of activities carried out together, only 47.93% carried out activities that are generally carried out outside the home such as playing, creating, or exercising. This shows the importance of creating a balance between activities inside and outside the home to ensure optimal quality of bonding.

The good news, according to the 2024 Indonesia Millennial Report, is that the Indonesian millennial generation is now increasingly concerned about the health and well-being of their families. In addition to considering sport as the main key to maintaining mental and physical health, they also appreciate the time spent with their families as an important foundation for building stronger relationships.

Arfindi Batubara, Marketing Director of LIXIL Water Technology Indonesia said, "We are very enthusiastic about being able to support the Jakarta Family Walk (JFWalk) 2024 through the American Standard. Family health and comfort are the main values that we always uphold, both in product development and social initiatives," said Arfindi Batubara, quoted by VOI from a media broadcast, Wednesday, October 9.

In JFWalk 2024, American Standard provides various facilities and activities that support a pleasant experience for families.

Felicia Idama, CEO and Co-Founder of Malo Enterprise as the organizer of the Jakarta Family Walk 2024, stated, "We are very happy to be able to hold the Jakarta Family Walk for the fourth time, and see the enthusiasm of the Indonesian family which is increasing every year," he said.

Jakarta Family Walk 2024 will present various activities such as face paining for children and medical examinations. This event will be present on November 10 and December 5.

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