JAKARTA - Kimberly Ryder tried to explain the reason why she was still defending her household even though she had been a victim of alleged domestic violence (KDRT) from her husband, Edward Akbar.

Kim said he did not want to be ashamed because he had given up at the age of a new marriage age of corn even though Edward's rude attitude had existed since the beginning of the marriage.

"Yes, how about it? Just how many years or how many months have you been ashamed of, right. Then that's how he always remembers, oh yes, the first 5 years must be the most difficult in marriage," said Kimberly Ryder in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, October 8.

Only after that, the second reason he defended was because his two children and the house they had. "Continue to think about running out, having children, thinking about children, continuing to think about us having a house together too," he added.

But finally that reason no longer applies after Edward has rejected 3 of him who is also considered Kim as the way from God.

"It's all complicated, there are many factors and I'm always waiting for a way out of Allah," said Kimberly Border.

"So, at this year, I really feel like he is talking about the three divorces, that's also because of God. It all happened, it's already running, it's time now," he said.

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