JAKARTA - After Edward Akbar complained about KimberlyRIDer to the National Commission for Child Protection, now it is Kimberly's turn to complain to Komnas Perempuan on suspicion of domestic violence (KDRT).

In this complaint, Kimberly, who was accompanied by his attorney, Machi Ahmad, has submitted evidence that will strengthen his complaint.

"For 2 hours we have also been heard by the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection KemenPPA. The complaint has been received. We also shared and also brought evidence, of course, related to psychological violence and physical violence experienced by my client like that," explained Machi Ahmad in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, October 8.

"Yes, our evidence is that there is also video evidence, evidence as well as allegations of domestic violence with photos," he continued.

The evidence shows several bruises experienced by Kimberly as a result of being slapped by Edward Akbar. "This was slapped, yes, it was slapped and there were also bruises, this is 2024," explained Machi Ahmad.

Kimberly said that the violence she experienced had been felt since the beginning of her marriage. Where at first Edward only damaged goods.

"From the beginning of marriage, actually from the beginning of marriage it wasn't a year old. At first it was more about damaging goods, so it slammed things, damaged cellphones, laptops, cameras, all kinds of things," said Kimberly Border.

For your information, Edward Akbar and Kimberly Border are currently undergoing a divorce process after Kimberly filed for divorce on July 12.

In addition to the divorce suit, Kimberly also reported Edward to the authorities on suspicion of embezzlement of cars whose cases were still rolling.

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