YOGYAKARTA Plastic is the majority of the packaging used to wrap food. According to research, 60 percent of all plastic produced around the world is used for food packaging. Amazing, isn't it? Environmental impact on this problem needs to be sought to grow. For this reason, it is important to recognize the type of food packaging that is environmentally friendly. Check the list below.

Glass is a material that can be reused, recycled, and lasts a long time. Glass packaging is also easy to clean and can be used as food packaging that can be moved easily. Although glass packaging covers are not anti-explosive, it is important to choose the best and potentially tight for a long time. For example, it is equipped with a snapshot-lock, silicon seal, or bamboo cap. To be sure, select a BPA-free cover (bisphenol-A) which causes endocrine disturbances.

Anti-ratic steel that is food grade can last a long time, withstand heat, and is safe to pack or store food. This packaging can be used repeatedly and can be recycled. Anti-ratic steel stoples, usually suitable for storing whole grains, spices, and flour.

Bamboo can be decomposed biologically and has many benefits for food packaging. Besides being able to last long, bamboo packaging can also be heat resistant. Bamboo can also be used to cover glass jars. It can also be used for lunch boxes with bamboo caps. Or if you like unique packaging designs, it can also be varied for bread packaging, bowl food, replacement for plastic spoons.

It is important to remember that the bamboo packaging must be stored properly. Because this natural food container is made of plant fibers that are less durable in damp conditions.

Packaging that is fibered is made of rice husks, including a type of package that is environmentally friendly. Although it can not last long, it can be decomposed naturally. In a study reported by Healthline, rice husks are proven to be bio-adsorben. This means absorbing pollutants from the surrounding environment.

Environmentally friendly materials are used for food packaging, one of which is made from corn bags. That means, this packaging is biodegradable even though it must be careful when used for food packaging that is moved because it is prone to being contaminated with carbon dioxide and melting exposed to water.

Launching the CPD Online, food packaging is environmentally friendly and can be naturally decomposed, one of which is made of sugar cane fiber. Well, this packaging of sugar cane fiber is one hundred percent natural.

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