JAKARTA - The legendary Indonesian racer, Pak Tarno suffered from a mild stroke. As a result, Pak Tarno had to undergo therapy and appear at the magic ceremony using a wheelchair. While at home, Pak Tarno used a stick as a walking aid.

The minor stroke experienced by Mr. Tarno took place around mid-September 2024, a few days before his appearance at the event in Bandung went viral. The stroke occurred after Mr. Tarno appeared in Cirebon.

So what is a stroke?

Reporting from the Mayo Clinic page, ischemic stroke occurs when blood supply to the brain is hampered or reduced. This prevents brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells start to die in a matter of minutes.

Another type of stroke is hemorrhagic stroke. This stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain leaks or breaks and causes bleeding in the brain. Blood increases pressure on brain cells and damages them.

Stroke is a medical emergency. It is very important to get medical treatment immediately. Getting emergency medical assistance quickly can reduce brain damage and other stroke complications.

Ischemic stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is hampered or reduced. This prevents brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells start to die in a matter of minutes. Another type of stroke is hemorrhagic stroke. This stroke occurs when blood vessels in the brain leak or break and cause bleeding in the brain. Blood increases pressure on brain cells and damages them.

Stroke is a medical emergency. It is very important to get medical treatment immediately. Getting emergency medical assistance quickly can reduce brain damage and other stroke complications.


If you or someone with you may have a stroke, pay attention to the times of the symptoms. Some of the most effective treatments if given immediately after the stroke begins. Symptoms of stroke include:

- Difficulty speaking and understanding what others say. A person suffering from a stroke may experience confusion, words are not clear, or may not be able to understand the talk. - Vulnerability, weakness, or paralysis in the face, arms, or legs. This condition often only affects one side of the body. That person can try to lift both arms over the head. If one arm starts to fall, it may be a sign of a stroke. In addition, one side of the mouth may be smeared while trying to smile. - The problem of looking at one or both eyes. The person may suddenly experience blurred or blackening vision on one or both eyes. Or that person may see a double. - Headache. A severe headache that suddenly may be a symptom of a stroke. Vomitting, dizziness, and a change of consciousness can occur along with a headache. - Difficulty walking. A person suffering a stroke may be stumbling or losing balance.


Many factors can increase the risk of stroke. The causes of stroke include:

Lifestyle risk factors

- Excess body weight or obesity.- Lack of physical activity and exercise.- Drinking alcohol is heavy or excessive.- The use of illegal drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine.

Medical risk factors

- High blood pressure.- Smoking or exposed to cigarette smoke.- High cholesterol.- Diabetes.- Apnea sleep obstructive.- Cardiovascular disease, including heart failure, heart disorder, heart infection or irregular heart rhythm, such as atrium fibrillation.- stroke history, heart attack or personal ischemic transient attack or family.- Affected by COVID-19.

Other factors related to the risk of a higher stroke include:

- Age People aged 55 years or older have a risk of stroke higher than younger age. - Ras or ethnic African-Americans and Hyspanics have a higher risk of stroke than people of other races or ethnicities. - The gender Men have a higher risk of stroke than women. Women are usually older when exposed to a stroke, and they are more likely to die from stroke than men. - Hormones Consuming birth control pills or hormone therapy containing estrogens can increase risk.

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