Prilly Latuconsina some time ago managed to steal the attention with her weight dropping up to 12 kg. She now weighs 37 kg and has an ideal body shape thanks to undergoing a clean eating diet program.

Quoting from Eating Well, a clean eating diet is a diet that focuses on consuming healthy foods. Foods consumed are real food or whole food, which are not widely processed and without a mixture of other chemicals or preservatives.

The basic principle of a clean eating diet is eating foods that are nutrient-intensive and low in calories. The various nutrients that must be found in the food are protein without fat, carbohydrates, healthy fat, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Foods that are usually consumed during a clean eating diet are brown rice, vegetables, fruits, seeds, chicken chest, to outermost. In clean eating, you are advised to consume direct fruits and vegetables, without processing them into juice first.

Applying a clean eating diet basically focuses on the ingredients consumed food must be natural. As much as possible pilah food products that do not contain artificial sweeteners, artificial dyes, and other chemicals.

In undergoing a clean eating diet, you also have to consume enough water. This is done so that the body remains well hydrated during the weight loss process.

Avoid consuming sweet drinks that contain a lot of sugar, such as milk coffee, soda, and other drinks. Apart from the intake of water, you can also consume infused water and herbal tea without artificial sweeteners.

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