Ruben Onsu was seen reprimanding the owner of the TikTok account @logikabangokta who openly discussed his divorce case with Sarwendah.

In the upload of the video, it was stated that the divorce of Ruben and Sarwendah occurred due to an affair and dragged the name of Betrand Peto.

Feeling unacceptable, Ruben re-uploaded the video and called the content false content and warned content owners not to offend his son.

"Ladies and gentlemen, who are trying to hear the video, don't continue to involve my child, the content that previously had educational value, I finally considered the content with the wrong information and pretended to know, because it had brought up my son's name, which I emphasized in the lawsuit that there were no third people, especially since it was my son," wrote Ruben Onsu quoted by VOI from Instagram @ruben_onsu, Friday, October 4.

Ruben further emphasized that his divorce from Sarwendah was held behind closed doors so that it was impossible for other people to know the cause of his separation.

"The divorce trial is closed to the public so that if there are people who are not parties but 'as if' understand what really happened so that there is divorce and it is conveyed in public or social media, it is tantamount to slander and it is an act that is against the law. Using the word 'isyu' should not be used as a guide," said Ruben Onsu.

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