JAKARTA - A youthful face can not only be obtained using various skincares. A youthful face can also be obtained through sleeping every night.

Reporting from Health and Real Simple, there is the best sleeping position that helps facial skin stay young. The best sleeping position is on the back.

The position of sleeping on your back makes your face avoid pillow friction which can cause various wrinkles of aging. This sleeping position also prevents the skin from feeling excessive pressure on the pillow.

Sleeping on your back also helps the skincare products used at night are maximally absorbed into the face. This happens because the face will not hit the pillow which can make skincare stick and does not work optimally on the face.

This sleeping position also makes the body more relaxed and encourages the growth of new cells, which can replace dead skin cells on the face.

In addition to helping your face stay young, sleeping on your back also provides health benefits for the whole body. Sleeping on your back makes the body's fluid flow optimal, thus producing a good blood circulation process throughout the body.

Meanwhile, another sleeping position, which is tilted and prone, has a bad impact on the face. The position of oblique sleep can cause wrinkles on the face side that become the focus and are directly hit on the pillow.

Tengkurap is the worst sleeping position. This position depressed facial skin for hours, which can cause wrinkles in the eye area, forehead, and around the lips.

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