YOGYAKARTA Dizzy after waking up, it's important to be aware of the cause. This condition may not interfere with activities, but it will not feel comfortable. Dizzy every night, it appears in various ways. Like losing balance, feeling like fainting, confused, and the sensation of turning. Although often temporary and do not have a definite cause but dizziness can be a symptom of the following conditions.

Dehydration can also be experienced while resting. Maybe this is an accumulation of pre-sleeping conditions. People who are dehydrated at night, wake up with dizziness and balance disturbed. Signs of dizziness due to dehydration, usually followed by thirst, fatigue, mouth and dry lips.

Low blood pressure or hypotension can cause dizziness in several cases. Blood pressure can also suddenly drop when changing position from lying down to standing position. This sudden drop in blood pressure, called postural or orthoastatic hypotension. Symptoms include headaches, blurred vision, fainting and falling.

Low blood pressure can also occur due to Parkinson's disease. Because taking certain medications, it can also cause low blood pressure. For those of you who often experience postural hypotension, get used to waking up slowly and changing positions gradually.

Dizziness in the morning, can be a symptom of low blood sugar, or medically called hypoglycemia. Blood sugar is low, more common in diabetics. How can people with high blood sugar or diabetes often experience hypoglycemia? Diabetics consume too much insulin contained in diabetes. It causes blood sugar to suddenly drop and your head feels dizzy. In addition, a strict diet also causes less sugar intake. An intense activity can also trigger low blood sugar.

Dizziness due to low blood sugar, generally followed by other symptoms. Such as shaking, fatigue, blurred vision, difficulty concentrating, excessive sweat, and confusion. For this reason, it is very important to regulate lifestyles and regular blood sugar checks and consult a doctor.

Economy is an infection of the virus or bacteria in the inner ear. Due to the infection that causes inflammation in the fine structure of this interior earlatin, it can cause dizziness. In addition to dizziness, someone who experiences pantinitis can lose balance.

Maritalization can sometimes make it difficult for a person to stand up or stay upright. Launching Medical News Today, Wednesday, October 2,butterinary symptoms include ear pain, headaches, hearing ears, blurred vision, nausea or vomiting.

Antibitic drugs, deuretics, opioid-based pain relievers, antiepilepsy, antipsychotics, and antiretroviral drugs can also cause dizziness after consuming them. For the cause of dizziness during sleep due to certain drugs, you must consult a personal doctor to get a dose of recipe that does not cause this impact.

Obstructive apnea is a sleep disorder that sometimes causes dizziness in the morning. This occurs when breathing is clogged during sleep, thus affecting the oxygen levels in the blood. The most visible symptoms are dizziness after waking up due to obstructive apnea, including difficulty concentrating and remembering, and fatigue during the day.

Given that the cause of dizziness after waking up varies, it is important to recognize how to prevent it from recurring. Some lifestyle-related interventions can help prevent dizziness after waking up. For example, by drinking enough water, quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake, eating healthy and balanced foods, avoiding excessive drinking caffeine, especially at night, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. However, if dizziness is out of control after improving your lifestyle, it is important to immediately check with a doctor to get the most appropriate medical recommendations.

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