YOGYAKARTA - Applicants for CASN will undergo the Basic Competency Selection (SKD) test as one of the stages. To be able to pass the SKD, usually applicants will prepare first by studying the CPNS lattice book. There are several recommendations for the 2024 CPNS test book that can be selected as training material.

Given the intense competition in the CPNS selection, applicants are required to be able to get good grades in the SKD. In order to work on the SKD test questions smoothly and without difficulties, applicants can practice first by learning questions in the CPNS lattice book.

The CPNS lattice book presents examples of all categories in the SKD test, such as TWK, TIU, and TKP. In addition to the many books on cpns that are sold on the market, there are a number of recommendations for CPNS test books whose contents are very helpful for mastering the SKD problem.

For those who are participating in the CPNS selection, you can practice working on SKD first before facing direct tests. It is very important for you to choose the right CPNS guidebooks or lattices.

Here are some recommendations for the CPNS test practice book that you can choose as learning material:

The book, written by Siti Khalimatussa 'diyah, S.Pd., and the team discusses ASN, CPNS, the latest grids, as well as the latest CPNS test selection flow for 2024. Published by Pixelindo, the book includes a summary of material, questions training, and discussions for National Insight Tests, General Intellectual Tests, and Personal Characteristic Tests.

In addition, you will also get questions about HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) which test reasoning and analytical abilities. As a bonus, this book is also equipped with a pocket book of the 1945 Constitution, TPA E-Books, TOEFL E-Books, as well as hundreds of variations in TWK, TIU, and TKP questions along with discussions in E-Book format.

The 2024 CPNS Official Tactics Module is an ideal book as a training material to answer CPNS test questions. Developed by the ASN+ Tentor Team, you will also get a quick way to answer questions in this book.

This book was published by Grada Cendikia and has been adapted to lattices from KEMENPAN-RB, including National Insight Tests, General Intellectual Tests, and Personal Characteristic Tests.

This training book was compiled by the Garuda Medika Team and the Mitrastudent Team consisting of psychotest practitioners and civil servants. This book offers complete material, starting from the latest CPNS test guides, TWK, TIU, and TKP materials summarys.

In addition, in this book you will also get 12 packages of questions along with SKD answers, 18 packages of SKB questions, and various other bonuses that can be accessed via a QR code scan.

The book compiled by the Asn Genius Team is based on the latest CAT CPNS lattices from KEMENPAN-RB as well as field reports (Field Report) from those who have participated in SKD and SKB CPNS. This book includes the deepening of CPNS CAT material, including TWK, TKP, and TIU.

At a price of Rp. 117,000, you will get 18 Packages on Tryout SKD, 26 Packages on Tryout SKB, 3 Packages on Psychotes, ToEFL & TOEIC Packages and their discussions. In addition, you will also get bonuses such as access to CPNS Learning Groups, CPNS Online Bimbel, Online Tryout, and others.

Demikianlah rekomendasi buku latihan tes CPNS 2024 yang bisa Anda jadikan referensi bahan belajar. Dengan buku-buku di atas, Anda bisa melakukan latihan soal terlebih dahulu agar bisa lebih memahami dan lancar saat menjalankan tes SKD nanti. Baca juga aturan pakaian tes CPNS 2024.

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