YOGYAKARTA - Sippy cup is a cup or cup produced with a special design for toddlers that is designed so as not to spill easily. This glass has a flat nose that has several holes and is generally equipped with a handle to make it easy to hold. In general, a simple cup cup made from plastic with various sizes and attractive design and colors.

Along with its growth and development, children must be trained so that they can eat and drink independently. One way to hone children's eating and drinking skills is to introduce them to the happy cup.

The use of this glass aims to train children to drink independently with glasses without spilled their contents. This is useful for diverting the habit of breastfeeding the child on the breast of the mother or bottle of milk to new drinking habits using ordinary glasses.

Another benefit is that training children to drink from cyppy cup can also stimulate children's motor skills, especially the ability to move their hands and mouth at the same time. With this exercise, children will get used to drinking from their own glass, so that drinking habits with milk bottles can be reduced slowly.

In general, a child can be taught to use a simple cup when he is 6 months old or when he can be given solid food or MPASI.

However, not all children are ready or want to use a happy cup. If he doesn't want to use the suction glass, you can try training it using a happy cup back a few months later, for example when your little one is 9 or 12 months old.

Sippy cup for what age? (Pixabay)

So that your little one gets used to drinking with a happy cup, you can try some tips below:

In the early stages, you can give your Little One a special suction glass for novice babies. This suction glass generally has a soft, flexible, and soft nose. This type of funnel texture will make the baby more interested in smoking it because it is similar to the mother's milk nipples.

In addition, simple cups specifically for newly studied babies are generally small in size with a plastic handle that is not slippery. This is to make it easier for the child to hold the cup itself.

Children are great impersonators. Therefore, the best way to teach your Little one is to give him an example. You can show your little one how to hold, lift, and direct the happy cup into the mouth.

So that your little one doesn't choke, you can help her tilt the glass slowly so that your little one can drink the contents of a happy cup.

In order for your little one to get used to using the happy cup, you need to get used to it to use the glass regularly. For example, by creating a fun atmosphere when giving your little happy cup, for example when watching his favorite film.

Don't forget to praise your child or just applaud when he manages to drink from the happy cup.

If your little one looks uncomfortable or can't use a simple cup well, there's no need to feel discouraged. You can try it at another time and do it over and over again until your little one can and wants to use a happy cup.

That's a review of the use of simple cup for children. Hopefully useful. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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