The Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi, confirmed that there was an incident where Nikita Mirzani visited the residence of LM alias Lolly.
Nikita Mirzani's arrival was confirmed to be accompanied by the Head of Women and Children Service (PPA) of the South Jakarta Metro Police.
"Yes, the follow-up to NM's report to NM yesterday visited a place or an ecosystem inhabited by LM," said Nurma Dewi, Thursday, September 19.
"Then it was just 12.00 for NM to be able to meet his son. Then accompanied by the Head of PPA, of course, from the South Jakarta Metro Police," he added.
However, Nurma denied that it was a form of pick-up but Nikita's obligation as Lolly's parent.
"There is no pick-up because this is indeed the child of NM. It means that it is still under the care of NM. So in my opinion, in all of us, it is the obligation of parents, that, in my opinion," he explained.
Nurma added that Lolly's forced pick-up was carried out by Nikita herself to carry out an examination or post-mortem regarding the issue of her daughter being pregnant and having an abortion.
"In terms of procedures from the police, we will definitely call. But for NM because he feels that he is a parent, that is his parent, his son, so he meets for LM to bring or to check himself from LM to the hospital, of course, for a post-mortem," he said.
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