JAKARTA - The Moon Cake Festival (Moon Cake Festival) is a tradition or holiday for the Chinese people which is also called the Mid-Eid Festival (Mitumn Festival) and is also celebrated in Indonesia.

This is a celebration celebrated by the Chinese community the second largest after the Chinese New Year and is always served with the Moon Cake. So that it becomes the hallmark as well as the name of this festival. The Moon Cake itself is a traditional food for Chinese people that must be served and served in various major celebrations.

Launching the English News.cn page, Wednesday, September 18, the Moon Cake Festival is celebrated annually on the 15th of the 8th month in Chinese New Year or Chinese calendar. That means, this festival falls on September 17th in the AD calendar.

This Moon Cake Festival is the most popular celebration among Chinese people around the world, and its popularity is increasing from year to year. Because apart from being a legend, cake is also very popular with many people.

Among the Chinese people themselves, the Moon Cake Festival is considered a symbol of thanksgiving by enjoying the full moon. Quoting from Britannica, the Moon Cake is usually eaten during the Moon Cake Festival while looking at the full moon.

Traditionally, the Moon Cake has a round or square shape. This rather sweet thin cake is formed around the filling which is generally made of lotus seed paste. At some point, the whole salted egg yolk is also added to symbolize the moon.

Quoting from China Highlights, the Moon Cake Festival has a history of more than 3,000 years. This festival comes from the habits of Chinese emperors who worship the moon during the Zhou Dynasty. This festival first appeared as a festival during the Song Dynasty.

According to the timeline, the Moon Cake Festival began with Zhou Dynasty in 1045-221 BC (before AD). Then became popular during the Tang Dynasty around 618 - 907 AD. During the period 960-1279 AD, this celebration only became a festival during the Song Dynasty.

The eaten Moon Cake Festival began during the Yuan Dynasty around the period 1279-1368 AD. Furthermore, the popularity of the Moon Cake Festival peaked during the Ming and Qing Dynasty, which was in the period 1368-1912 AD. And became a National Holiday since 2008.

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