Parents Must Know, Here's How To Recognize The Symptoms Of Stomach Flu In Children
Illustration (Andrea Piacqadio / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Have you ever heard of the term stomach flu? Parents must be vigilant because this disease can affect children. Known as gastroenteritis, stomach flu is an infection that occurs in the intestines or stomach that causes swelling of the stomach, intestines or digestive system.

If a child experiences it, the most common symptoms include abdominal pain, stomach cramps, diarrhea (if worse it can be mixed with blood), nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, and headaches.

In these conditions, the child may look lethargic, have a high fever, feel restless and uncomfortable, look in pain, urinate less frequently, have dry mouth, and cry without tears due to dehydration.

Despite the name flu, gastroenteritis is not caused by the influenza virus. The most common cause is rotavirus, which is transmitted by mouth. This is because children often put in objects that may have been contaminated.

Another virus that can cause stomach flu is the norovirus. Basically, this virus attacks anyone, from babies to adults. Food poisoning cases are generally caused by norovirus. Places where the virus is often transmitted include classrooms, schools, campuses, child care centers, dormitories, and public care rooms. Contaminated food and water are the main means of spreading the virus.

If the child experiences these symptoms, immediately seek treatment at home. First of all, give him fluids a little at a time. For example, a quarter cup every 15 minutes or a teaspoon every minute. The types of fluids given can be breast milk, formula milk, and plain water.

For home care, children can be given refined foods that are easy to digest, such as bread, potatoes, or bananas. Do not give children diarrhea medicines that are sold in the market, unless recommended by a doctor.

Usually the symptoms of stomach flu go away on their own within a few days. However, immediately take the child to the doctor if the high fever reaches above 40 degrees Celsius, the urine becomes thick, continues to vomit for more than two days, vomits blood, and has bloody stools.

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