YOGYAKARTA sweet potato plants can be used for vegetables. The fruit also has a sweet taste and contains complex carbohydrates and fiber. If you want to plant them at home, it's important to know the right way. So follow the explanation below on how to grow sweet potatoes so that they bear many and are large.

When it comes to growing sweet potatoes, it is necessary to prepare the planting media and the right place. Launching Sow True Seed, Tuesday, September 17, with the ideal elevated sweet potatoes. Not only does it make the soil loose, but it also needs to be made not congested so that it supports the growth of the tubers to grow and bear many fruit.

You can also grow sweet potatoes in large pots or buckets. If it is impossible to raise it, dig tenah at least 25 centimeters and make rows or hills for each plant. Adding height, it can help the development of greater and more sweet potatoes. Next, make sure to add lots of organic materials. Such as dry or rotten leaves, compost, and manure.

Growing sweet potatoes, it seems that it cannot be left alone after seeds are planted. Routine checks need to be done. The reason is, the temperature also affects the sweet potato plant. Choose a cool place, as low as the temperature of more than 15 degrees Celsius. The sweet potato plant, has no tolerance for cold temperatures. Sweet potato plants, from planting to harvesting, take 90-120 days. But this depends on the variety.

The sweet potato plant in the first two weeks after planting, is the formation period. So at this time, it is important to get enough water. But don't get too dry, don't get too wet.

Sweet potatoes are propagating plants that can spread to every corner of the garden. But if you want large sweet potatoes, And has to trim stems that propagate to less than 1 meter long. In principle, the longer the stem spreads, the more energy you spend to bear fruit and enlarge the tubers. That means, cutting regularly makes it easier to harvest.

Sweet potatoes are plants that test soil. That means, correct preparation is key to satisfactory results. For soil composition, don't let too much nitrogen be planted by sweet potatoes. If your soil nitrogen levels are too high, add wood flakes or chicken droppings. The sign, maybe there will be many leaves but the fruit is dwarf and small. In essence, don't give excessive fertilizer. Sweet potatoes are not 'heavy seeds' to be fertilizers, only snacks to live in less ideal soil.

That's how to grow sweet potatoes so that they bear many and large fruit. Please note, sweet potatoes have the scientific name Ipomea Batakatas L. Lamb. This plant has many varieties in Indonesia. Among them are Daya, Borobudur, Prambanan, Mendut, Kalasan, Muara Takus, Cangkuang, Sukuh, and Sewu varieties.

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