YOGYAKARTA Life patterns have a big impact on a person's health condition. In detail, lifestyles such as how to choose foods that are eaten, adequate sleep, getting enough fluids, exercising regularly, to managing stress, are actually related to health. Regarding cholesterol levels, it is also important to maintain so that it is not too high. To reduce high cholesterol, there are three expert recommendations, namely by diet, taking food supplements, or taking medication. So can you lower cholesterol without taking medication?

A woman with a lean and healthy body has her heart, eating healthy foods. However, even though blood pressure and blood sugar levels are normal, it can have LDL cholesterol in the high size limit. That means, it is important to be careful when choosing diet foods.

Many people do not realize that about 20 percent of cholesterol in the bloodstream comes from food. Cholesterol is in animal foods, such as meat and milk, which are high in saturated fat. Fat saturated can obviously increase bad cholesterol - or LDL - especially if consumed in incommensurate amounts.

Proposal doctor Christopher P. Cannon is reported by Harvard Health, replacing food ingredients that contain saturated fat with unsaturated fat ingredients. For example, vegetable oil, avocado, and fatty fish. Better, eat lots of plant-based foods. Especially vegetables, fruit, nuts, and whole grains. This fiber-rich food helps lower cholesterol by making food cholesterol more difficult to absorb.

If you eat cheese and ice cream burgers more often, then gradually switch to healthier diets, it is likely that LDL levels will drop. If you have undergone a healthy diet, further changes may not be very influential.

"I often tell patients that while some people experience a slight decline in LDL after changing their diet, some don't," said Dr. Cannon.

But a healthy diet has a huge impact on cardiovascular health. Although LDL doesn't drop much, says Cannon. Furthermore, the compounds found in whole plant-based foods that are not processed, turn out to help relieve inflammation and prevent plaque buildup. In addition to maintaining a diet, it is also important to ask your personal doctor for advice on body cholesterol conditions so as not to interfere and increase the risk factor of cardiovascular disease.

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