YOGYAKARTA In parenting patterns, parents must be protective to their children. Unfortunately if they are too excessive to lean towards overprotective, it will actually interfere with the child's growth and development from the psychological side. Experts even claim parents are protective can trigger children to tell lies. Beyond the impact, parents must know whether they are too overprotective towards their children or not. The following are the characteristics of parents who can be known.

In general, the characteristics of parents are overprotective, it can be seen from how much they are involved in the realm of child privacy. Here are the characteristics, quoted from the Dayton Children's website.

Sometimes children find it difficult to put them in an uncomfortable position. Protective parents will try to overcome all these difficulties and make sure they remain comfortable.

Child involvement in a school problem often occurs. Unfortunately, parents are overprotective in trying to overcome it instantly, namely contacting the school and asking that their children be facilitated in various activities at school no matter how small.

Success is built with various things, one of which is failure. Overprotective parents do not set aside failures to be felt by their children. They will demand everything to be perfect and as desired. This parenting method should not be applied.

Sometimes people sympathize with the condition of children that are not going well are also good. But they must be able to deal with negative emotions as a result of these conditions such as anger, sadness, conflict, and so on. Let them accept that emotion in their own way.

Children need to socialize with their friends. Parents who overorganize their social affairs have a bad impact. Let them find out for themselves the good and bad things of their environment while watching from afar.

Parents should even have the right to give gifts to their children. However, their parents' excessive worries sometimes make them so cooperative that it makes children tired of listening to the advice of their father or mother.

Being too involved in the world of children is a characteristic of parents being overprotective. Children do have a high sense of curiosity so parents simply tell them what is good and bad for them. Let them be happy with their hobbies as long as they don't bring negative effects to anyone.

This attitude also characterizes parents being overprotective. They think that all children's wishes must be complied with for their convenience. Even though children must also know that there are consequences or responsibilities that they must bear when asking for something.

Any action can bring children at certain risks, both physically and psychologically. Parents who do not allow their children to accept the risk without explanation will make them less learn from experience.

Children must also know the bitter taste that may occur in the real world. Overprotective parents will not allow their child to face the bitterness and prefer to protect it very strictly.

Those are the characteristics of parents being overprotective. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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