YOGYAKARTA - Millions of people around the world start their day with a cup of black coffee, which is thought to have many health benefits, such as increasing brain function and protecting against certain diseases. So does drinking black coffee affect cholesterol? Let's discuss it!

However, the question that often arises is whether coffee, especially black coffee, affects cholesterol levels in the blood. The answer to this question is not as simple as imagined because the effect of coffee on cholesterol depends on several things, such as the way coffee is brewed and the amount of coffee consumed.

Main Substances In Coffee That Affect Cholesterol

Black coffee does not contain direct cholesterol, but in it there is a bioactive compound that can have an impact on cholesterol levels in the body. The two compounds most often studied are cafestol and kakweol, which are squeezed in coffee oil.

Influence Of Noise Methods On Cholesterol

Coffee brewing methods are very decisive whether black coffee will affect cholesterol levels or not. Each brewing method results in different amounts of cafestol and kahweol. Here are some methods of brewing and its impact on cholesterol:

Drinking black coffee can affect cholesterol levels, especially if coffee is brewed without sieve, such as in the French press method, brewed coffee, or menurruk coffee. The main components that play a role in increasing cholesterol are cafestol and kakweol, which are found in coffee oil. However, coffee that is brewed using paper filters, such as drip coffee, has very low levels of cafestol and kakoweol and tends not to have a significant impact on cholesterol levels.

If you have problems with cholesterol or the risk of heart disease, you should choose the screened brewing method and limit coffee consumption to a moderate amount. Although black coffee has some health benefits, it is important to consider how brewing and consumption amounts can affect your long-term health, including your cholesterol levels. As a wise step, consult health professionals if you have concerns about the effect of coffee on cholesterol.

In addition, you also need to know that the Effect of Drinking Too Much Coffee for Health is quite dangerous.

So after knowing whether drinking black coffee affects cholesterol, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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