YOGYAKARTA Betawi typical foods in Jakarta that are legendary are very diverse, ranging from home culinary to snacks that can be brought as souvenirs.

Please note, Betawi is a tribe from Jakarta. This ethnic group has a variety of unique dishes that become culinary icons in the city of Jakarta.

For culinary lovers, tasting Betawi food in Jakarta is an unforgettable experience.

So, what are the typical Betawi foods in Jakarta that can be used as an option? Check out the full information below.

Compiled from various sources, the following are some typical Betawi foods that must be tasted while in Jakarta.

Soto Betawi is the most easy to find in Jakarta. This food is made from beef or jeroan cooked with thick coconut milk, producing fresh and delicious sauce.

The savory taste of a perfect paired coconut milk with soft meat, makes Soto Betawi one of the most popular menus in Jakarta.

Usually, Soto Betawi is served with additional French fries, tomatoes, and sprinkles of fried onions which are increasing the taste.

Telor hoars are typical Betawi foods in Jakarta that you need to decorate. These snacks are made from a mixture of chicken eggs or duck eggs, glutinous rice, ebi, and fried onions cooked by roasting.

The uniqueness of the telor crust lies in the cooking process that uses a flat pan, where the pan is reversed to finalize the dough. The taste is savory and crunchy, very suitable to be enjoyed as a snack in the afternoon.

Dodol Betawi is a delicious snack typical of the Betawi tribe. This dodol has a black color brownish with a less flavor variation than dodol from other regions.

Typical Betawi dodol is made of glutinous, brown sugar, sugar, and coconut cooked on a furnace with firewood for 8 hours.

Dodol Betawi is a type of durable snack, so it can be used as a souvenir for family or relatives in the village.

This snack is also not mandatory to be enjoyed while in Jakarta. Betawi's distinctive clothing contains a variety of vegetables, including lettuce leaves, white tofu and watered with sauce or a rather sour and fresh salty spice.

This dish gives a refreshing sour, spicy, and sweet taste in each bite.

Laksa Betawi is a food full of coconut milk that is rich in spices. Unlike the laksa from other regions, Laksa Betawi has thicker and lecherous mouths, thanks to the use of large quantities of coconut milk.

This dish is usually served with ketupat, tauge, and chicken snacks. Don't forget to add boiled eggs and sprinkled onion that adds to the taste.

Ketupat Babanci is an iconic Betawi dish in the form of ketupat seporsion doused with Babanci vegetables. The ketupat is made of glutinous rice cooked in dried coconut leaves.

The cooking process in coconut leaves gives a distinctive and soft aroma to ketupat. Generally, this dish is served with side dishes such as chicken opor, sumur, or rendang.

Nasi ulam is a food similar to nasi uduk. This dish is made from rice mixed with various spices and spices, especially Pegagan leaves.

Nasi ulam has a cirih taste that comes from concoctions such as funndeng or ulam in Betawi. Nasi ulam can be enjoyed with other side dishes such as nasi uduk.

That's information about Betawi typical foods in Jakarta. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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