YOGYAKARTA In Korean films there are many vocabularys that often appear and are spoken by actors and actresses, one of which is shibal. For those of you who don't know what it means, it is not recommended to use the word to worry about a wrong meaning. Check out the meaning of the word shibal in Korean so that its use is correct in the discussion.

Shibal (') is one of the worst and harshest friends in Korean. This motherland is often spoken, especially in a K-Pop reality show. In Indonesian, shibal can be interpreted as stupid, stupid, or other worst words. Whereas in English, the shibal equation can be in the form of.

Like swearing, said shibal, it is used as part of a form of negative expression of emotions such as anger, hate, rudeness, and so on. Therefore, its use must be done carefully.

As explained earlier, the word shibal is one of the worst friends so that it has a harsh and disrespectful meaning. To use this curse, there are several things that must be considered, namely as follows.

Like other people, the word shibal should not be spoken with the intention of being addressed to people who are older or respected. In Korean culture, the word is very offensive so it can be interpreted as an insult.

Some people usually use the word shibal but only for limited friendship. For example, you use the word to close friends who really understand you, or in a joking context.

Shibal is usually used as harsh swearing spoken by someone when they feel anger that is truly angry, or when hit by negative emotions. Avoid using this word when nothing happens because it is feared it will offend the interlocutor.

Don't occasionally say shibal swearing in official or formal events. This word is more suitable to say in daily conversations with those closest to you.

Never say this word to Koreans you've never met before. The word is so offensive that it could lead to a dispute.

In the context of conversation, the word shibal stands alone. This means that you can use it by combining sentences or simply saying the word. The following is an example of using the word shibal which is combined with Indonesian.

That's the meaning of the word shibal in Korean. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)