YOGYAKARTA The news of a mother who has the heart to hurt her child is not only appeared once or twice in various news media. This condition did not happen without reason. There is a reason mother's psychology has the heart to hurt her own child.

This means that certain psychological conditions experienced by a mother can underlie abuse behavior towards their own child.

Reporting from thehubster website, the reason a mother has the heart to hurt her own child is often related to various things such as past trauma, stress conditions that she experiences, or can occur due to environmental factors.

For example, a mother who has been a victim of child abuse in her childhood tends to repeat this psychological pattern to her child. This means that a mother who has been a victim of violence as a child has the potential to do the same to her child. This pattern is known as the international cycle of trauma.

A mother who has experienced trauma from childhood violence may not have enough emotional skills to care for and raise their child properly.

The experience of violence naturally changes the way the mother's brain responds to stress, where this condition often occurs when raising children. When stress occurs, it will be difficult for the mother to calm down later.

The mother's psychological condition that has problems does not only come from experience of violence from childhood, but can come from environmental factors, reported by Parenting for Brain. For example, due to deficient economic conditions or due to very lacking social support.

Even fatigue due to taking responsibility as a parent is also able to increase the risk of a mother committing abuse to her own child. This was triggered by economic stress, lack of rest time, and limitations in accessing support from those around her.

The external factors outside of him will trigger a bitter burnout that leads to violent behavior not only to their own children, but also to other children whose responsibility is.

Violence perpetrated against children, whether perpetrated by a mother or someone closest to her, triggers serious problems. The violence includes physical, psychological, emotional, sexual harassment, and neglect.

The impact of violence received by children not only leads to health problems but also to other possibilities. For example, children who have experience being victims of violence will most likely experience difficulties in their academic performance.

In addition, it is difficult for children to unravel social challenges and lean towards their participation in high-risk behavior.

Mother as the closest person to a biologically pregnant child is expected to be the safest place for children. This condition must be supported by all parties.

That's information related to the psychological reason the mother has the heart to hurt her child. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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