YOGYAKARTA Tiamin is vitamin B1 which is one of eight essential B vitamins. Tiamin deficiency or profitin deficiency can interfere with several heart functions. In severe and chronic conditions, tiamin deficiency is called giving.

Tiamin is needed by the body for cellular growth, development, and function. In addition, tiamin also plays a role in converting food into energy. Like other B vitamins, tiamin includes vitamins that are dissolved in water. That means if the excess in the body is not stored so you have to get it regularly. Launching Healthline, Thursday, August 29, the body only stores about 20 days of thimin at a certain time.

Fortunately, tiamin can be found in a variety of daily foods. Among them are white rice, contracts, tiut fish, black beans, sunflower seeds, corn, yogurt, and labus. Tiamin deficiency can interfere with the performance of the heart, nervous system, and the immune system. Here are the symptoms of titamin deficiency that must be recognized from an early age.

Loss of an unusual appetite is an early symptom of a lack of titimin. Although not feeling hungry, it is important to eat on time. Because loss of appetite can cause accidental weight loss and can cause problems if the health level is not measured.

It is important to understand, tiamin plays an important role in regulating hunger and saturation in the brain. Insufficient storage of thimin can interfere with your appetite. As a result, you eat less than usual and have the potential to lose the essential nutrition your body needs.

The second symptom of thimin deficiency is fatigue. Fatigue is experienced depending on the severity of the deficiency. Some sources state fatigue can occur in just weeks after the shortage. Given that taamin plays a role in converting food into energy, this symptom must be watched out for.

Lack of lamin can cause some changes, including mood. It's like making you easily offended or angry. Often, this changing mood is an early symptom of tyin deficiency that can appear along with fatigue in just a few weeks.

One of the most famous side effects of prolonged and severe lamin deficiency is damage to death. These symptoms are known as neuropathy.

There are two types of berries, due to a lack of tiamin. The first wet give-out which includes heart failure. Wet giving occurs without heart failure. Weting is considered an emergency because it can cause death if it is not treated immediately. Symptoms of the potential of giving, including tingling in the limbs, loss of sensitivity to the legs and fingers, weakness of muscles, fast heartbeat, difficulty waking up, mental confusion, problems of coordination, and paralysis of the lower body.

Soreness in the arms and legs, called parestesia. Symptoms of this thimin deficiency, are classified as severe because they generally appear before wider symptoms are related to the brain. The reason behind these symptoms is that thimin is necessary for the nerve function that reaches your arms and legs. When thimin is not enough, parestesia can occur.

Tiamin plays a role in maintaining nervous health. If the body lacks thimin, it can affect the optical nerves in the eyes, causing blurred vision. If not treated, this optical nerve damage can ultimately result in loss of sight. But this is quite rare.

Nausea and vomiting can be a nonspecific symptom of health conditions. One of them includes symptoms of tymin deficiency. These digestive symptoms are more common in people with conditions related to thimin deficiency called Wernicke's encephalopathy. However, these symptoms can be the main symptom even in cases of mild lamin deficiency, so it's important to take them seriously.

Lack of thimin, can cause delirium. Delirium is a serious condition that causes confusion, decreases awareness of the surrounding environment, and a lack of clear thinking. Even a severe lack of thimin, resulting in brain damage with symptoms of delirium, hallucinations, and loss of memory.

As a precautionary measure, it is necessary to take the best approach. Namely by eating foods that are rich in commitment. It is important to understand that the lack of tiamin rarely occurs in people who live in countries, it is highly industrialized with easy and consistent access to food. Consumption of supplements or multivitamins containing vitamin B complex is also important.

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