YOGYAKARTA Feelings of inferiority, referred to as the inferiority complex, was first introduced in 1907 by Austrian doctor and psychotherapist Alfred Adler. Inferiority complexes are feelings of inability and insecurity that lead to certain behaviors, such as withdrawing from social environments, competition, and excessive aggression. This sense of inferiority, can be rooted in physical or psychological shortcomings.

Sometimes a person is natural to feel low or feel lacking. Like when fired from work or left by a partner, a person may feel doubtful about his abilities. But someone with an inferiority complex, responds to situations experienced in different ways. Can be characterized by self-taught, lamenting deficiencies, and intensely criticizing yourself.

Research shows that behavior and psychology related to self-lowness arise from several factors. The first cause, is the genetic condition in which one inherits the variation of the ocsytocin receptor. These hormones contribute to positive emotions, feel less optimistic, and have lower self-esteem. And feel less self-control than people who inherit different types of oxytocin receptors.

The cause of the second inferiority complex, due to parenting patterns that have been criticized repeatedly. For example, saying he was stupid, never doing anything right, to warnings that described every thing he did were never taken to be true. Psychologist Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D. reported EverydayHealth, Monday, August 26, said. When you are very young and easily affected and faced with continuous criticism, you feel helpless, worthless, embarrassed, quiet, and unexcited almost all the time. You feel that everything is definitely your fault, so you are chronically low.

The community also contributes to shaping a person's personality. When a person is attached to the standards of figures who form perceptions about themselves lead to excessive self-confidence. For example, a person must act according to the wishes of the community, although in fact he is not wrong and even does good things. When it is internalized, then a person can feel humiliated and has no space.

Inferiority complex can manifest differently in everyone. Some of the signs, they always doubt themselves constantly. The first sign, he always focuses on the negative. Another sign, closing himself off or pulling away from the social circle. It could be out of shame, feeling guilty, or feeling defeated.

Third, the inferior complex is characterized by an unusual response to offset the low self-esteem. One can behave demeaning others, they are very competitive and are too critical of others. There is also someone with an inferiority complex who avoids competition because they don't want to take risks.

That is the cause and sign of inferiority complex. Feelings of self-lowening, actually affect well-being. In some cases, people with inferiority complex experience high psychological stress because they see themselves lower than those around them because they think they fail to meet standards. Feeling inferior is also closely related to depression and anxiety. More specifically, someone with an inferior complex can experience eating disorders because of a negative view of the body's image.

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