JAKARTA - The food we eat determines our health condition. Not only need nutritious foods, but habits related to eating, such as time to eat, portion of food, and intensity of eating have a big effect on the condition of the body.

Often times, good eating habits are not a calculation in balancing the health of the body. Especially bad eating habits can interfere with the body's work system. Do you have the following 5 bad eating habits?

Eating irregularly

How many meals a day and at what time it is most appropriate to eat heavy meals need to be considered carefully. Not only what is eaten but when to eat it also needs to be familiarized.

A study published in the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society revealed that eating irregularly can lead to obesity and type-2 diabetes.

Another study also proved that eating 6 times a day at the same time every day had better insulin levels than eating 3 to 9 times a day at random times.

The level of insulin in the body is influenced by three things, namely the circadian rhythm, the body's internal clock, and eating habits. The most appropriate recommendation, eat the highest calorie foods only during the day.

The most nutritious foods are consumed in the morning. Meanwhile, in the afternoon, choose foods that are fresh, low in calories, and low in carbohydrates.

Late night meal

The habit of eating late at night needs to be stopped immediately. Based on research conducted by The Parelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania, this habit is often carried out by people with insomnia and feeling restless at night.

This study proves that eating late at night can increase body weight, insulin levels, glucose levels, cholesterol, and triglycerides. The ghlerin hormone surge also stimulates appetite and the release of the satiety hormone or leptin slows down even further.

For those who have a habit of eating late at night, it is recommended to minimize it. For example, you can replace them with healthy snacks such as nuts, high-fiber cereals, and fruits to be consumed when you are hungry at night.

The habit of eating junk food

Fast food, also known as junk food, has low nutrition even though the portions are filling. This is like a trick, even though the body feels that it has had enough to eat but the necessary nutrients are not fulfilled.

The worst risk of eating junk food is weakening the immune system. A person's immune system will decrease due to lack of vitamins and nutrients. Well, other risks are the same as eating late at night, namely the potential to be overweight.

Eat food that other people eat

Trending types of food are always present, but it can be disastrous when you don't realize when to stop following. For example, you can follow what other people eat such as free to eat both burgers and pizza. Everyone's body condition is different, one person may stay healthy and thin even though they eat lots of foods that contain carbohydrates.

Everyone, according to John M. O'Brien, a professor of family medicine at the University of Michigan Health System, has a different metabolic system. Some are faster at digesting and absorbing food, and some are slower systems.

kebiasaan makan yang buruk
Illustration of a meal (Pexels / Andrea Piacqudio)

Besides it is very important to recognize the metabolic system of each body, it is also necessary to have good eating habits.

Skip breakfast

Skipping breakfast does not mean cutting back on a large number of calories in the body. Missed breakfast actually heightens hunger during the day and wants to eat just about anything. Finally, eating will be more emotional and more servings.

If you have the five habits above, it is necessary to improve these habits in order to maintain a stable health condition.

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