YOGYAKARTA Want to eat sweet foods is constantly called sugar shipping. Usually in certain portions it is not dangerous, with a record of normal initial blood sugar levels. But apparently, the cause of sugar saving is driven by a number of factors. Starting from stress, undergoing treatment, hormonal imbalance, and certain health conditions. In full, check the following explanation.

In the journal Appetite, research by The Phenomenology of Food Crvings: The Role of Mental Imagery shows that the desire to eat can be driven by memories rather than body signs. Do you want to eat sweet and luxurious foods when you remember the warm family atmosphere, parties, holidays, or other social events? If you want to eat an apple crunch made by your mother, maybe you are longing for family gatherings while eating it.

Good memories can be a positive booster, but it can be a bad habit if it is not realized and controlled. Launching VeryWellMind, Wednesday, August 14, sugar shipping can also be driven by boredom because eating daily food is just like that. Or it could be because of the habit of eating desserts or desserts after eating.

Illustration of the cause of wanting to eat continuous sweet foods or sugar shipping (Freepik)

Another study found that the brain's prefrontal cortex is activated when a person reduces appetite, especially for eating sweet foods and carbohydrates. But another area of the brain, namely hypocampus, will work with different mechanisms when the person is stressed, depressed, traumatized so that eating habits change and may like foods that are considered calming even though in an uncontrolled portion it becomes a bad habit.

A theory explains the involvement of the role of the hormone serotonin when you want to eat. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter needed to regulate the mood. Researchers believe the serotonin imbalance in the brain contributes to the development of depression. According to research published in the journal Nutrition, when you want carbohydrate and sweet foods, they are usually attracted to foods that encourage the production of serotonin.

One way to deal with sugarvating due to the imbalance in the hormone serotonin, is to eat foods that contain a lot of triptofans. Such as seafood, eggs, and poultry meat. The reason is, research found that lack of triptofanism in the body increases hunger and encourages appetite and contributes to the symptoms of depression. It can also consume fruits, granola bars, or yogurt as healthier sweet foods.

Hormonic fluctuations are also experienced by women in the menstrual cycle. Usually, it tends to want to eat sweet foods before and during menstruation because estrogen levels and progesterons fluctuate.

In some cases, wanting to eat chocolate may be a sign of not getting enough magnesium in the food you eat. Although chocolate isn't the only food that contains magnesium. For example, replacing it is more varied, such as nuts and pods. Black chocolate may be a better choice because it contains high flavonoids and antioxidants and is beneficial for health.

How to overcome wanting to eat continuous sweet foods or sugar shipping, first, stay alert in eating the food you choose to eat. If possible, exchange into a healthier food and keep you happy. Second, keep your activities up, hydrate enough, and eat well.

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