JAKARTA - Edward Akbar now has to face two problems because of his wife, Kimberly Ryder, namely a divorce lawsuit and allegations of an alleged car embezzlement case some time ago.

When asked about his current condition, Edward Akbar admitted that lately he has not found any work at all.

"I'm not there. I mean I don't have any work," said Edward Akbar at the Central Jakarta Religious Court, Wednesday, August 7.

Edward explained that this happened because of Kimberly Ryder's accusations against him regarding alleged car embezzlement. He admitted that many of his jobs had to be canceled.

"There's no work because of the process at the (South Jakarta) Police. So that makes a lot of my work canceled," said Edward Akbar.

As is known, previously, Edward Akbar was summoned by investigators from the South Jakarta Metro Police to be questioned regarding this case.

Unfortunately, based on the statement of Edward Akbar's attorney, Jundri R. Berutu, his client's health condition did not support it so he asked for it to be postponed.

"The agenda day was supposed to be a clarification summons, but our client could not attend due to poor health," said Jundri R. Berutu, Edward Akbar's attorney at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, August 5.

Jundri also conveyed Edward's denial that he did not embezzle the car as Kimberly Ryder said.

"Actually, the property was purchased together, there is evidence of a joint purchase, so in our opinion there was no embezzlement," said Jundri R. Berutu at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, August 5.

Although the car was purchased in the name of Kimberly Ryder, Jundri confirmed that the car was purchased during the marriage and by joint decision.

"Yes, as far as we know, it was in Kimberly's name, but it was purchased during the marriage and by joint decision. According to the two of them," added Jundri.

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