YOGYAKARTA Body metabolism is related between hormones influenced by the environment and behavior. For example, your environment likes to eat and drink healthy, so you are encouraged to undergo a healthy diet. While eating behavior, is also more controlled and has a good relationship with food or does not experience eating disorders.

According to endocrinologist and obesity expert Marcio Griebeler, MD., metabolism is a hormonal process. This mechanism is what the body does to maintain, capture, change, and burn energy. Well, how efficiently this mechanism works, depending on each person's lifestyle. In addition, genetics is also important to play a role, explains Griebeler.

You fight to keep your weight as you are. But over time, you can change the weight set," said doctor Griebeler as reported by Cleveland Clinic, Sunday, August 4.

That means no matter how heavy you are, even if you lose or go up, your body will maintain weight. So to lose weight requires a strategy to increase metabolism as follows.

Educating yourself to regulate a healthy diet is important. Such as eating with the right portion, choosing the right menu, choosing quality food ingredients, and aligning your diet with daily activities.

Doctor Griebeler said food must consist of protein without fat, fruits, and vegetables. You feel full longer if the protein has a larger portion than carbohydrates. Focus on plant-based foods, seeds, and healthy fats. Reduce calorie intake and arrange less food but often.

Consider exercise as a lifestyle, not a fast run, Sara Griebeler. Exercise can indeed accelerate weight loss. But more importantly, this activity is routinely carried out.

Do aerobic exercises (burning calories and good for your heart) and endurance exercises (building and maintaining muscle mass, which in turn burn more calories) for 150 minutes every week. Start slowly and move forward," Griebeler suggested.

Choose aerobic exercises including walking, jogging, running, hiking, cycling, swimming, and jumping ropes. In terms of endurance training, think about push-ups, lunge, squats, and other movements that can use load, littlebell, or band resistance.

Lack of sleep causes cortisol levels to increase. This triggers the body to store the energy needed to pass sleep-deficient days. Lack of sleep also affects the ability of the brain to make decisions. So prioritize getting 7-8 hours of sleep at night.

You certainly know cheat day which can make you weigh two kilograms over a week after successfully lowering four kilograms in a month. Griebeler's message, be balanced. You can enjoy a piece of donut but make some adjustments. For example, after eating donuts, you have to cut the portion of rice in the next three to a week.

It is important to understand, there is no food that increases metabolism. Even so, every food has health benefits. For example, high protein food makes you full longer and excessive appetite that slows down metabolism can be anticipated.

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