JAKARTA - The eldest son of the couple Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah, Betrand Peto admitted that he had obtained permission from his parents to date.

Even so, this 19-year-old man even admitted that he was afraid to have a relationship and have a partner. This was said by him because he felt he still had many responsibilities.

Starting from work in the world of singing to responsibility for education.

"Oh, how about it, Mother's father is okay (about dating). Just admit it because I'm afraid I won't focus on going to college if I'm dating. I have a lot of work, I have lectures, lessons, singing, I'm afraid of fighting," said Betrand Peto in the Senayan area, Central Jakarta, Monday, July 29.

Betrand also explained that he did not have the age target to date. He admitted that he had surrendered more in relation to this. "Not targeted, as much as possible. Maybe at the age of 21 or 22 years," said Betrand Peto.

Even so, the singer of the song Sahabat Tak Akan Pergi this tells that Sarwendah often asks him about the opposite sex figure he likes.

"Mother always asks, 'Onyo (Betrand Peto's nickname), like or amazed by whom?' 'Is it a girl's lyrics?' I said, 'Wait a minute. Yes, if he can make fried rice delicious like a mother, I'm just a lyrics. bun'," explained Betrand Peto.

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