YOGYAKARTA Post-featuration of the mother's body has undergone many changes. Whether it's weight going up or down little by little. In fact, the body'stores' extra calories while breastfeeding through breast milk production. On the other hand, there are women who have a tendency to quickly burn calorie deposits.

Breastfeeding is a serious job. During breastfeeding, the body burns more calories. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, breastfeeding burns about 450-500 calories every day while breastfeeding. But there is no definite answer how many calories are burned during breastfeeding. It depends on each body and how often breastfeeding.

"Menyusui exclusively usually burns around 500-700 calories per day, less if breastfeeding partially," said ob-gyn and specialist mother-child Kecia Gaither, MD as reported by Parents, Sunday, July 28.

Gaither emphasized that genetic factors and metabolism affect how much calories burn during breastfeeding. But basically, the body needs additional calories to produce breast milk. That's the reason why you are often hungry during breastfeeding times. Gaither also said, daily calorie intake is at least 1,500-1,800 calories per day. Exclusive breastfeeding requires 1,800-2,000 calories when you don't move much every day. During moderate activity, 2,000-2,200 calories are needed and when active it requires 2,200-2,400 calories.

'Recovery takes energy. When you have a very difficult delivery, you may have to do a lot of healing. That way, you need more energy. More energy is needed in addition to breastfeeding, as well as for recovery during difficult delivery,' explained dietist Robyn Price. He added, your baby drinks different amounts of milk every day. The amount is not always the same, the composition always changes. That means, it is difficult to determine how much calories are needed and burned in breastfeeding mothers every day.

What if you lose weight while breastfeeding, secure? It is important to understand, breastfeeding in addition to requiring calories as an energy source, is also needed enough nutrition for the baby. In fact, a 2014 study showed that during the first three months the effect was small to lose weight. But during these three months, at least 3 pounds lost for breastfeeding mothers and less than that weight for post-feeding mothers. Breastfeeding mothers also have the opportunity to return to weight before pregnancy.

It is mandatory to pay attention to limiting calories when breastfeeding can have a negative impact on the supply of breast milk. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietics, consuming less than 1,800 calories a day during breastfeeding can reduce the amount of breast milk produced by the body. Focusing on efforts to lose weight during breastfeeding can also cause long-term problems.

"The calories needed to produce breast milk come from what you eat every day and the fat deposits you may get during pregnancy. If you feel your weight is losing a lot while breastfeeding, you may not consume enough calories to replace the calories used to produce breast milk. It's very important to fill your body with nutrient-intensive foods so that you and your baby stay healthy," Shah, MD, a certified endocrinologist from Paloma Health, said.

According to doctor Shah, the mindset also affects changes in weight. In the post-partial period that is tense, worry, stress, lack of sleep, can affect weight. If breastfeeding is the goal, reducing calorie consumption less than what the body needs will also reduce the quantity and quality of breast milk.

This means that during breastfeeding the mother must get enough calories or even extra because in order to produce quality breast milk and quantity, a small person needs to be fulfilled. Instead of losing weight during breastfeeding, doctor Singh recommends focusing on body positivity efforts to connect with the body and have good relations with food. Added doctor Shah, it is also important to keep exercising regularly and moving regularly.

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