JAKARTA - Celebrity Tamara Tyasmara could not contain her emotions when Yudha Arfandi's attorney, the defendant in the case of Dante's death, allegedly cornered her when she was made a witness at the trial of her son's death.

In a trial held today, Monday, July 29 at the East Jakarta District Court, Yudha's attorney asked about the discovery of Tamara's belongings at Yudha's house.

Hearing that question, Tamara said that it was true that there were items at Yudha's house, but this was done to cover up the wounds on the body due to the violence committed by Yudha.

"There was (my thing there was the defendant's house), because I was already big. I often stay there to cover my blue body," said Tamara during the trial.

It turned out that Tamara's answer was deemed insufficient by Yudha's attorney until finally she was asked again which made Tamara angry.

For Tamara herself, the statement asked by Yudha's attorney did not have any correlation with the case of her son's death.

"I often stay at the defendant's house. The defendant and I are both large," he said.

"You can not respect me a little, my son died, sir. This is a problem for my son to die, not because I was staying there," said Tamara.

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