JAKARTA - Paraben is one of the categories of chemical preservatives that have been used in beauty products since the 1920s. The beauty industry has long relied on parabens to increase the shelf life of products such as shampoo, conditioner, skin care products, and soap.

But over the past decade, the side effects of paraben exposure in the long term have become a concern. Although almost all beauty products use several types of preservatives to make their products last longer, paraben-free cosmetics may be safer to use.

The term paraben-free is intended to inform consumers that the product formula does not use paraben. In this article, you will be given information regarding the reasons why paraben-free products are better used.

Paraben can imitate human estrogen hormones. This means that these chemicals can disrupt the balance of the body's hormones, both in men and women, as reported by Healthline, Thursday, July 25. Paraben's estrogenic activity has been shown to interfere with the body's hormone settings. This is quite dangerous because parabens can affect reproductive activity, such as pregnancy and menstruation.

Research also shows that parabens can be easily absorbed through the skin. And the use of beauty products that contain paraben every day can cause buildup in your system. The continuous exposure of parabens can also play a role in the growth of breast cancer cells in women, as well as the environmental impact. Some people have allergic reactions to parabens. These reactions can include redness, irritation, itchy skin, peeling, and rashes.

Paraben is found in various types of beauty products, including:

If a product is paraben-free, the label will usually include paraben-free or 0 percent paraben' in the packaging section.

Jika Anda tidak yakin apakah produk bebas paraben, Anda dapat melihat daftar bahan di bagian belakang botol. Methylparaben, propylparaben, dan butylparaben adalah tiga bahan paraben yang paling umum.

Isopropylparaben and isobutylparaben also showed the presence of paraben. The word 'burasydroxybenzoate' is another name from paraben.

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