YOGYAKARTA - Sunblock and sunscreen function to protect the skin from exposure to the sun. Both skin care products are suitable for people who often carry out outdoor activities.

Although both of them can protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation (UV), there is a difference between sunblock and sunscreen. The difference between the two lies in terms of product content, texture, and how it works to treat the skin.

There are still many people who do not recognize the differences in sunscreen and sunblock. The use of skin protection products must be adjusted to their individual needs. So that you don't choose the wrong product, you should first understand the differences between sunblock and sunscreen before buying it.

Sunblock and sunscreen usage should be used before you leave the house. Sunlight exposure directly to the skin can have adverse effects, such as skin damage, premature aging, to potential skin cancer.

Therefore, the use of skin protection products is very important for those of you who are active outdoors every day. Both sunblock and sunscreen provide effective protection for the skin when in the sun.

So which one is suitable for you to use, is it sunscreen or sunblock? Understand the following number of sunblock and sunscreen differences:

You can distinguish sunscreen and sunblock in terms of product content. The composition of the ingredients of the two products is different. Sunblock generally contains minerals such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxides that reflect sunlight.

Meanwhile, sunscreen products contain chemicals such as avobenzone, oxybenzone, or octinoxate. The content in the sunscreen plays a role in absorbing UV light and turning it into harmless heat.

Another difference between sunblock and sunscreen also lies in how it works. Although both protect the skin from UV rays, the sunblock acts by forming a physical layer above the skin to block UV rays. While sunscreen products work by absorbing UV light before reaching the skin.

Sunscreen and sunblock products can also be different. Sunscreen is available in various forms such as cream, lotion, spray, or gel. Some beauty products also contain sunscreen in them. On the other hand, sunblock is generally present in the form of cream or lotion.

You can also distinguish sunblocks and sunscreens by feeling the texture. Sunscreen has a light texture and absorbs quickly when used on the skin. This sunscreen product is comfortable to use for a long time or as a daily product.

On the other hand, the sunblock has a thicker and thicker texture. After applying it, the sunblock will give the skin a heavier sensation. This cream is like forming a layer that feels above the skin's surface. Therefore, the sunblock takes longer to fully absorb into the skin.

Most sunblocks can protect the skin from both types of UV rays, namely UVA and UVB. The protection provided by the sunblock is considered deeper and more comprehensive. With these effects, sunblocks can help prevent skin problems such as premature aging and sunburn.

On the other hand, some types of sunscreen only protect against UVB light. However, there is also a sunscreen product that provides protection from both types of rays. Therefore, it is important to check product labels that show that the sunscreen protects against UVA and UVB rays.

Actually, the selection between sunscreen and sunblock is returned to the preferences of each individual. In addition, the use of products must also be adjusted to the daily activities and needs of each person's skin that can be different.

If you sneer in the sunscreen that provides extra protection capacity, then use a sunblock. Sunblock products are able to protect the skin from two types of UV radiation, namely UVA and UVB exposure.

Those are the sunblock and sunscreen developments that need to be understood before buying and using sunscreen products. In order to get optimal skin protection, the selection of sunscreen products that will be used should be adjusted to the activities carried out and the needs of your own skin. Also read the rules using the correct sunscreen.

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