YOGYAKARTA After birth, bathing a baby is highly recommended to use warm water. This suggestion needs to be considered considering that the skin of a newborn baby is still very thin. In fact, the level of thinness of the baby's skin can reach 20 to 30 percent thinner than the skin of an adult. What is then often asked is a baby bathing with warm water until what age?

Although bathing the baby is advised not to use cold water, the warm water temperature given should also not be too hot because it will have the potential to make the baby's skin moisturized.

Reporting from AI Care, the temperature of warm water for babies showers ranges from 37-38 degrees Celsius. It is important to check that degree before bathing the baby. If it's still too hot, you can add it with cold water.

Bathing with warm water in babies will not be done permanently. Parents must also start getting used to babies bathing in cold water but gradually. Reporting from Asian Parent, parents must know the right time to wash their babies in cold water and must be done gradually.

Pediatrician at Brawijaya Hospital, Attila Dewanti, explained that the ideal age of the baby can be bathed with cold water according to the birth process, whether premature or normal.

"Babies who have just been born, let alone premature, should not be bathed in cold water. If the baby is normal at least up to 2 months old, but ideally until the age of 6 months," explained Attila, quoted from Era.id.

For parents who have just had their first experience bathing a baby with warm water, see the tips for bathing a newborn below, as reported by Healthline.

That's information regarding babies bathing using warm water to what age. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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