JAKARTA - Azriel Hermansyah said that he received a lot of comments from netizens who questioned his financial readiness when he proposed to his girlfriend, Sarah Menzel.

Seeing this, Azriel admitted that as a man he had to have the courage to make decisions, one of which was proposing to Sarah, who was only 24 years old.

"Many. His name is also Anang's son, yes, it's definitely famous. There must be a lot of fans or netizens asking, what can you do, Azriel? Yes, the name of a boy must be brave. Make a decision," said Azriel Hermansyah in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Monday, July 8th.

However, regarding the question of financial readiness, Azriel revealed that he has a business that he will do. He deliberately published this on social media.

"Then if you talk about business, yes, there are some that you want to do. But not everything, I know in social media," he added.

Furthermore, Azriel said that he already knew when he decided to propose to Sarah that question would arise. However, Aurel Hermansyah's younger brother chose not to respond.

"I already know. Later there will be questions like that, it will be crowded. I already know. So when the time comes, it's done. Just enjoy it. Just those who have received it, I just cover my ears. Don't look at the comments," he explained.

Not without reason, Azriel revealed that he himself is currently focusing on working on his own business as well as the business of his parents.

"There are some that are being bullied. Help parents too. Then there are those who are themselves," he said.

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