YOGYAKARTA - Camping in the open needs to know the type of camping tent so that it can be adjusted to the needs of the campfield. But did you know anything? Let's discuss it here!
The reason is, there are several tents that are deliberately designed for certain needs such as size, resilience, and also weight.
So, what are the types of tents that people often use to camp in the open? Let's look below!
I. Ridge Tent
This type of tent is similar to a house with a triangular-shaped roof. Ridge tents have sizes ranging from small-capacity ones to large-capacity ones. For the installation of Ridge-type tents, they use ropes and poles so that the tent can stand firmly.
This tent is also fairly safe and comfortable to camp, and can accommodate around 11-13 people or one team. Some of the advantages of this Ridge tent are stronger than the majority of other tents, so it will be more stable when hit by strong winds and bad weather.
II. Quick Pitch Tent
This type of tent has a relatively new and more modern design, than other types of tents. This type of tent is in demand for many adventurers because of its convenience when it was established.
III. Tent of Domes (Domes)
Tenda Dome has the characteristic of a curved shape on each buffer pole, with 2 or 3 pole poles that span half the circle to support the poles. This type of Dome tent is very good for camping activities and is comfortable to use for sleep.
The Dome tent type is also fairly easy and fast to be established in the mountains though. The advantage of this type of tent is the material and the weight of the load is light, so it is easy to carry anywhere. Not only that, this type of tent is also equipped with an outer base so it is safe during the rainy season.
IV. Tent Geodesic Dome
Almost similar to the Dome tent, it's just that the front of the tent is made closed during bedtime. This Geological Dome type tent has many sizes and sturdy structures, making this tent very safe for people to sleep in windy weather conditions.
The design of this tent provides a wide internal space with a higher ceiling, so it is suitable and safe to use to spend time with family or friends. The advantage of this tent is the ability to survive in extreme weather because it is able to withstand heavy snow, wind, and rain.
V. Tenda Tunnel
This type of tent has a very unique form because it seems open, but it is good for camping in nature. Tent Tunnel has characteristics in the middle that have a higher frame size than the edge. Because this tent forms an elongated tunnel in which it will provide more space, so this tent is very suitable for camping.
The advantage of this type of tent is that the pointed end offers more protection against the wind. However, the installation takes a long time and requires more than 2 people throughout the process of setting up this tent.
Choose Camping Tents According To The Situation!
There are many different types and brands of tents for different terrains. To determine them, you must first analyze the purpose and condition of the position of the camp to be visited. So, camping tents can be chosen according to these conditions. You also need to measure the weight of the tent when it is exposed and put in a backpack. Not only the weight, the amount of the packaging when folded also needs to be observed.
Apart from knowing your type, you also need to know Tips for Choosing Camping Tents, so as not to bother later when camping in the open.
So after knowing the type of camping tent, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!
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