JAKARTA - Singer Brisia Jodie shared her experience of breaking up with her ex-lover because she found out that her kekasi had impregnated an LC or Lady Companion who was a karaoke guide.

In a podcast with Kemal Pahlevi, Brisia Jodie said that she always brings everything in her life into prayer for guidance from God.

"But God is Maha Membolak-balikkan Hati manusia. I can tell you that I really love him, the next day suddenly Mah, I want to take care of this for a while, 'I asked for a break up, okay?, then my mother Wow crazy you' he said that. You can immediately not love that, said Jodie, quoted by VOI from YouTube Kemal Palevi, Thursday, July 4.

And it turns out that this really happened where he was given instructions by God regarding his girlfriend who was caught impregnating an LC. He said that at that time his ex-lover suddenly disappeared without news all day.

When traced, at that time the ex-lover played behind Brisia Jodie until she became pregnant.

"It turned out, you know, it turned out that he impregnated LC friends. It turned out that he had disappeared one day, there was no news at all, yes that," said Brisia Jodie.

This ultimately made Brisia rely more on God in every decision she made in her life.

"(God) is amazingly good. I rely on God in my life. God is really good," he said.

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