JAKARTA - Celebrity Okie Agustina must immediately find a new residence after being officially declared divorced from her ex-husband, Gunawan Dwi Cahyo, according to the judge's decision.

Previously, the panel of judges at the Bogor Religious Court gave Okie the opportunity to stay for 5 years at Gunawan's house and also himself while looking for new housing.

Seeing this, Okie said that he received support from his first ex-husband, Pasha Ungu. Where he offered to sell the house that became the house of their previous divorce.

Okie said that Pasha deliberately sold the house so that Okie could use the money he sold to buy a new house.

"If Mas Pasha is in my business with Gunawan, but he doesn't, coincidentally we have a house for children first, indeed the house will be sold and divided into two words, he said 'than a fuss, we just sell it, we use the money to buy a new house'," said Okie Agustina in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Monday, July 1.

The mother of Keisha Alvaro said that the house in the Bogor area had not been taken care of for a long time since they officially divorced.

"So he was busy and didn't take care of him, yesterday he said 'we just put this house on sale'," explained Okie Agustina.

"The house in Bogor, during my time with Mas Pasha, since I divorced him, the house has not been doing anything," he added.

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