YOGYAKARTA Significant mood swings can disrupt daily activities. The phenomenon of mood swings usually refers to conditions that describe emotions fluctuating quickly and intensely. Generally, the cause of mood swings is driven by the following factors.

Internal changes that occur, can affect mood. Internal changes are factorized from within that determine our feelings. The first cause of mood swings is due to illness and injury.

Although mood swings imply emotional roots, these changes are also associated with chronic diseases or acute injuries that affect the brain. Such as dementia, concussion, or stroke. Other neurological conditions can also occur and cause mood swings. Among them are diabetes, double sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, sleep disorders, and thyroid disorders.

Mood changes significantly also experienced by children during development. Toddlers and children often look gloomy and easily angry when they are still learning to regulate emotions. Mood swings in children, generally normal. But there are also those related to mental health disorders, learning inability, or even physical illness.

If you have seasonal allergies, moods may be very easily affected when allergic symptoms appear. For example persistent sneezing, runny eyes, post-nasal drop, and itching cause fatigue and interfere with sleep. It also causes the body to be uncomfortable, easily offended, and difficulty concentrating.

Starting to consume or stopping prescription medication affects a person's mood. Launching VeryWellMind, Monday, July 1, although antidepressant drugs are tau mood-stabilizing, it is estimated that dalat affects a person's mood. The prescribed drug overcomes certain mental conditions, can cause mood swings. For example, someone suffering from bipolar disorder is diagnosed as depression and prescription drugs. Certain antidepressants, can actually trigger a bead episode in a person with bipolar disorder.

The possible cause of mood swings from hormonal changes, especially estrogen. Hormonic fluctuations are normal and are known to have an impact on moods, such as periodic changes in the menstrual cycle.

Changes in common moods occur in depression, especially if not treated. A person's mood can fluctuate, ranging from being easily offended, being very sad, to exploding. People who experience depression may also experience other symptoms. Such as feeling sad, desperate, and worthless. Those who experience it fail to enjoy their favorite activities, difficulty sleeping or too much sleep, eating more than usual or eating less or eating, feeling more, tired, difficult to concentrate, and thinking about suicide.

Mood swings are typical symptoms of bipolar disorder. There are two main types of bipolar disorder, namely bipolar I and bipolar II. Both are marked by bead or hypomania episodes that alternate with depression. Some people experience both series of symptoms simultaneously, known as mixed episodes.

Also known as the border personality disorder (BPD), a threshold personality disorder is a mental health disorder that can cause continuous mood swings. This mood shift, usually intense and varied. It can last several hours to a few days.

These two factors, namely diet and lack of sleep, have a big impact on changes in liver sauce. During a diet, we limit the portion of eating and choose the type of food that is eaten selectively or strictly. It is important to know, someone who does not get enough nutrition from food, may experience mood swings in response to blood sugar levels fluctuations and malnutrition.

A sleep deprived person also experiences intense mood fluctuations. Sleep quality is not good, it also affects the rhythm of the sirkadian and mood throughout the day.

The above is an explanation of the cause of mood swings. As a way to deal with mood swings, the first step is to know exactly what the trigger is. Is it due to stress, lack of sleep, or skipping breakfast that causes your mood to change drastically. To manage it, change your lifestyle more regularly. For example, by exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, learning stress management techniques, improving sleep quality, and avoiding taking medication without a doctor's consultation.

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